AWS Cloud WAN makes it easier to build and operate wide area networks (WANs) that connect your data centers, branch offices, and your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs).
When deployed, Cloud WAN creates a core network edge (CNE) in each AWS Region that you want to include in your network. You can attach multiple Amazon VPCs, AWS Site-to-Site VPNs, and software-defined wide area networks (SD-WAN)—by using the Connect attachment type—to a CNE.
Pricing factors
Four factors determine what you pay for using AWS Cloud WAN: The number of core network edges (CNEs) deployed, the data processing charges for traffic sent through each core network edge, and the number of attachments and AWS Transit Gateway peering connections to each core network edge.
Core network edge: Core network edges (CNEs) are connection points created and managed by Cloud WAN in each AWS Region included in your network. When Cloud WAN deploys a core network edge, you pay $0.50 USD per hour (we round any partial hours up to the next hour).
Data processing: Data processing charges are based on the amount of data (in gigabytes) sent from an Amazon VPC or virtual private network (VPN) to a core network edge. Connections to a SD-WAN are made through a VPC by using a Connect attachment. As a result, data processing for SD-WAN connections is charged as data sent from the VPC to the core network edge. You are charged for data processing at $0.02 USD per gigabyte (GB) in all Regions. No data processing charges are incurred on traffic sent over peered connections between a cloud network edge and Transit Gateway.
Core network edge attachments: Core network edge attachments include VPN and SD-WAN connections (using the Connect attachment type), in addition to Amazon VPCs. You pay an hourly fee for each attachment, beginning when you make the attachment to the core network edge (we round any partial hours up to the next hour). The price for core network edge attachments is the same as peering connections and vary by Region.
Peering connections: A peering connection creates a link between a core network edge and a Transit Gateway that are within the same AWS Region. When using a peering connection, you pay an hourly fee for each core network edge and Transit Gateway connected (we round any partial hours up to the next hour). The price for peering connections is the same as for core network edge attachments and vary by Region. (Note: No additional charge is incurred for Transit Gateway route table attachments that are created on top of peering connections for network isolation.)
Data Transfer Charges
You will incur standard AWS data transfer charges, in addition to any Cloud WAN charges. Please visit the Data Transfer section of the Amazon EC2 pricing page for more details.
Multi-account ownership
When a Cloud WAN and VPCs are owned by different AWS accounts, we divide the charges among them. The account that created the Cloud WAN pays for core network edges, VPNs, and SD-WAN network attachments, plus data processing fees on data resulting from VPN attachments. The account that created the VPCs pays for its VPC attachments, plus the data processing charges that result from those VPCs.
When a peered core network edge and Transit Gateway are owned by different AWS accounts, the Cloud WAN account owner pays for core network edge peering connections, and the Transit Gateway account owner pays for its peering connections.
Cloud WAN pricing
Core network edge (CNE): $0.50 USD per hour in all Regions
Data processing: $0.02 USD per gigabyte (GB) in all Regions
Core network edge attachments: The price of core network edge attachments varies by Region:
Region | Per attachment hour |
Africa (Cape Town) | $0.080 |
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) | $0.090 |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | $0.090 |
Asia Pacific (Osaka) | $0.090 |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) | $0.090 |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) | $0.090 |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | $0.090 |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | $0.090 |
Canada (Central) | $0.080 |
Europe (Frankfurt) | $0.080 |
Europe (Ireland) | $0.065 |
Europe (London) | $0.080 |
Europe (Milan) | $0.080 |
Europe (Paris) | $0.080 |
Europe (Stockholm) | $0.080 |
Middle East (Bahrain) | $0.075 |
US East (N. Virginia) | $0.065 |
US East (Ohio) | $0.065 |
US West (N. California) | $0.080 |
US West (Oregon) | $0.065 |
Pricing examples
Example 1: Traffic within Region
Imagine that you have deployed one core network edge (CNE) in US East (N. Virginia) Region and attached two Amazon VPCs (named VPC-1 and VPC-2). In a month, VPC-1 sends 100 GB of data through the CNE and on to VPC-2. There are no peering connections. In this example, we calculate your charges as follows (all prices shown in USD):
CNE monthly costs:
- You pay $0.50 per hour for each CNE, regardless of Region
- We assume a month equals 730 hours (8,760 hours in a year / 12 months = 730 hours per month)
- 1 CNE * $0.50 per hour * 730 hours = $365.00 per month
CNE attachments:
- You pay $0.065 per hour for VPC attachments in the US East (N. Virginia) Region
- 2 VPC * $0.065 per hour * 730 hours = $94.90 per month
Data processing and data transfer:
- 100 GB of data was sent from VPC-1 to the CNE
- You pay $0.02 per GB for data sent from VPC-1 to the CNE
- 100 GB of data * $0.02 = $2.00 per month
- There is no charge for data sent from the CNE to VPC-2
- No data was sent outside of US East (N. Virginia), so there are no inter-Region data transfer charges
Total for example 1:
- CNE: $365.00 per month
- CNE attachments: $94.90 USD per month
- Data processing and data transfer: $2.00 per month
- $365.00 + $94.90 + $2.00 = $461.90 per month
Example 2: Traffic between Regions
Assume that you have deployed two core network edge (CNEs), one in the US East (N. Virginia) Region and another in Europe (Frankfurt). You have attached VPC-1 to the CNE in US East (N. Virginia), and VPC-2 to the CNE in Europe (Frankfurt). In one month, VPC-1 sent 100 GB of data to VPC-2. VPC-2 did not send any data to VPC-1. There are no peering connections. In this example, we calculate your charges as follows (all prices shown in USD):
CNE monthly costs:
- You pay $0.50 per hour for each CNE, regardless of Region
- We assume a month equals 730 hours (8,760 hours in a year / 12 months = 730 hours per month)
- 2 CNE * $0.50 per hour * 730 hours = $730.00 per month
CNE attachments:
- You pay $0.065 per hour for attaching VPC-1 to the CNE in US East (N. Virginia)
- 1 VPC * $0.065 per hour * 730 hours = $47.45 per month
- You pay $0.080 per hour for attaching VPC-2 to the CNE in Europe (Frankfurt)
- 1 VPC * $0.080 per hour * 730 hours = $58.40 per month
- $47.45 + $58.40 = $105.85 per month
Data processing and data transfer:
- You sent 100 GB of data from VPC-1 to VPC-2
- You pay $0.02 per GB for data sent from VPC-1 to the CNE in US East (N. Virginia)
- 100 GB of data * $0.02 = $2.00 per month
- There is no charge for data sent from the CNE in Europe (Frankfurt) to VPC-2
- You pay $0.02 per GB for data transferred out from US East (N. Virginia) to Europe (Frankfurt)
- 100 GB * $0.02 = $2.00 per month
- $2.00 + $2.00 = $4.00 per month
Total for example 2:
- CNE: $730.00 per month
- CNE Attachments: $105.85 per month
- Data processing and data transfer: $4.00 per month
- $730.00 + $105.85 + $4.00 = $839.85 per month
Example 3: CNE and AWS Transit Gateway peering connections
Assume that you have deployed a core network edge (CNE) and a Transit Gateway in the US East (N. Virginia) Region with a peering connection between them. You have attached VPC-1 to the CNE and VPC-2 to Transit Gateway. Also, you have associated the Transit Gateway to a Direct Connect Gateway that connects to a Direct Connect location in the United States. In one month, VPC-1 sent 100 GB of data to VPC-2 and 200 GB of data to the Direct Connect gateway. VPC-2 did not send any data to VPC-1. The Direct Connect Gateway sent 200 GB of data (from your on-premises network through the Direct Connect location in the US) to VPC-1. In this example, we calculate your charges as follows (all prices shown in USD):
Core network edge (CNE) monthly costs:
- You pay $0.50 per hour for the CNE (regardless of Region)
- We assume that a month equals 730 hours (8,760 hours in a year / 12 months = 730 hours per month)
- 1 CNE * $0.50 per hour * 730 hours = $365.00 per month
CNE attachments:
- You pay $0.065 per hour for VPC-1 attachment in the US East (N. Virginia) Region
- 1 VPC * $0.065 per hour * 730 hours = $47.45 per month
Peering connections:
- You pay $0.065 per hour for the peering connection between CNE and Transit Gateway in the US East (N. Virginia) Region
- 1 peering connection * $0.065 per hour * 730 hours = $47.45 per month
Transit Gateway attachments:
- You pay $0.05 per hour for the peering attachment on Transit Gateway in the US East (N. Virginia) Region (corresponding to the CNE peering connection)
- You pay $0.05 per hour for the VPC-2 attachment on Transit Gateway in the US East (N. Virginia) Region
- You pay $0.05 per hour for the Direct Connect attachment on Transit Gateway in the US East (N. Virginia) Region
- 3 Transit Gateway attachments * $0.05 * 730 hours = $109.50 per month
Data processing and data transfer:
- 100 GB of data was sent from VPC-1 to the CNE (destined toward VPC-2)
- 200 GB of data was sent from VPC-1 to the CNE (destined toward Direct Connect gateway)
- You pay $0.02 per GB for data sent from VPC-1 to the CNE
- 300 GB (100 GB + 200 GB) of data * $0.02 = $6.00 per month
- 300 GB of data was sent between CNE and Transit Gateway
- You pay $0.01 per GB for data transferred from CNE to Transit Gateway
- 300 GB (100 GB + 200 GB) of data * $0.01 = $3.00 per month
- No charge is incurred from Transit Gateway to Direct Connect gateway
- 200 GB of data was sent from Direct Connect gateway to the Transit Gateway (destined to VPC-1)
- You pay $0.02 per GB for data sent from Direct Connect gateway to Transit Gateway
- 200 GB of data * $0.02 = $4.00 per month
- 200 GB of data was transferred from Transit Gateway to CNE
- You pay $0.01/GB for data transferred out from Transit Gateway to CNE
- 200 GB of data * $0.01 = $2.00 per month
- You pay $0.01/GB for data transferred in to CNE from Transit Gateway
- 200 GB of data * $0.01 = $2.00 per month
- No data processing charge for data sent from Transit Gateway to CNE on the peering connection and from CNE to VPC-1
- 200 GB of data was sent outside US East (N. Virginia) over Direct Connect to a location in the United States
- You pay $0.02 per GB for Direct Connect Data Transfer Out charges in US East (N. Virginia)
- 200 GB of data * $0.02 = $4.00 per month
Total for example 3:
- CNE: $365.00 per month
- CNE attachments: $47.45 per month
- Peering connections: $47.45 per month
- Transit Gateway attachments: $109.50 per month
- Data processing and data transfer: $21.00 per month
- $365.00 + $47.45 + $47.45 + $109.50 + $21.00 = $590.40 per month
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