AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon Machine Learning

Population health applications with Amazon HealthLake – Part 1: Analytics and monitoring using Amazon QuickSight

Healthcare has recently been transformed by two remarkable innovations: Medical Interoperability and machine learning (ML). Medical Interoperability refers to the ability to share healthcare information across multiple systems. To take advantage of these transformations, we launched a new HIPAA-eligible healthcare service, Amazon HealthLake, now in preview at re:Invent 2020. In the re:Invent announcement, we talk […]

Making sense of your health data with Amazon HealthLake

We’re excited to announce Amazon HealthLake, a new HIPAA-eligible service for healthcare providers, health insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies to securely store, transform, query, analyze, and share health data in the cloud, at petabyte scale. HealthLake uses machine learning (ML) models trained to automatically understand and extract meaningful medical data from raw, disparate data, such […]

Introducing AWS Panorama – Improve your operations with computer vision at the edge

Yesterday at AWS re:Invent 2020, we announced AWS Panorama, a new machine learning (ML) Appliance and SDK, which allows organizations to bring computer vision (CV) to their on-premises cameras to make automated predictions with high accuracy and low latency. In this post, you learn how customers across a range of industries are using AWS Panorama […]

Introducing the AWS Panorama Device SDK: Scaling computer vision at the edge with AWS Panorama-enabled devices

Yesterday, at AWS re:Invent, we announced AWS Panorama, a new Appliance and Device SDK that allows organizations to bring computer vision to their on-premises cameras to make automated predictions with high accuracy and low latency. With AWS Panorama, companies can use compute power at the edge (without requiring video streamed to the cloud) to improve […]

Real-time anomaly detection for Amazon Connect call quality using Amazon OpenSearch

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. If your contact center is serving calls over the internet, network metrics like packet loss, jitter, and round-trip time are key to understanding call quality. In the post Easily monitor call quality with Amazon Connect, we introduced a solution that […]

Configuring your Amazon Kendra Confluence Server connector

Many builders and teams on AWS use Confluence as a way of collaborating and sharing information within their teams and across their organizations. These types of workspaces are rich with data and contain sets of knowledge and information that can be a great source of truth to answer organizational questions. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy […]

Processing auto insurance claims at scale using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

Computer vision uses machine learning (ML) to build applications that process images or videos. With Amazon Rekognition, you can use pre-trained computer vision models to identify objects, people, text, activities, or inappropriate content. Our customers have use cases that span every industry, including media, finance, manufacturing, sports, and technology. Some of these use cases require […]

This month in AWS Machine Learning: September 2020 edition

Every day there is something new going on in the world of AWS Machine Learning—from launches to new use cases to interactive trainings. We’re packaging some of the not-to-miss information from the ML Blog and beyond for easy perusing each month. Check back at the end of each month for the latest roundup. Launches This […]

Winners of AWS Machine Learning Research Awards announced

The AWS Machine Learning Research Awards (MLRA) provides unrestricted cash funds and AWS Promotional Credits to academics to advance the frontiers of machine learning (ML) and its applications. MLRA is pleased to announce winners for its 2019 Q2/Q3 call-for-proposal cycles: Mohit Bansal, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Auto-Adversarial Training to Make Dialogue Systems Robust […]

Customers Achieve Machine Learning Success with AWS’s Machine Learning Solutions Lab

AWS introduced the Machine Learning (ML) Solutions Lab a little over two years ago to connect our machine learning experts and data scientists with AWS customers.  Our goal was to help our customers solve their most pressing business problems using ML. We’ve helped our customers increase fraud detection rates, improved forecasting and predictions for more […]