AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Deploy Amazon SageMaker Autopilot models to serverless inference endpoints

Amazon SageMaker Autopilot automatically builds, trains, and tunes the best machine learning (ML) models based on your data, while allowing you to maintain full control and visibility. Autopilot can also deploy trained models to real-time inference endpoints automatically. If you have workloads with spiky or unpredictable traffic patterns that can tolerate cold starts, then deploying […]

Improve scalability for Amazon Rekognition stateless APIs using multiple regions

In previous blog post, we described an end-to-end identity verification solution in a single AWS Region. The solution uses the Amazon Rekognition APIs DetectFaces for face detection and CompareFaces for face comparison. We think of those APIs as stateless APIs because they don’t depend on an Amazon Rekognition face collection. They’re also idempotent, meaning repeated […]

Use your own training scripts and automatically select the best model using hyperparameter optimization in Amazon SageMaker

The success of any machine learning (ML) pipeline depends not just on the quality of model used, but also the ability to train and iterate upon this model. One of the key ways to improve an ML model is by choosing better tunable parameters, known as hyperparameters. This is known as hyperparameter optimization (HPO). However, […]

Build a robust text-based toxicity predictor

With the growth and popularity of online social platforms, people can stay more connected than ever through tools like instant messaging. However, this raises an additional concern about toxic speech, as well as cyber bullying, verbal harassment, or humiliation. Content moderation is crucial for promoting healthy online discussions and creating healthy online environments. To detect […]

Metrics for evaluating an identity verification solution

Globally, there has been an accelerated shift toward frictionless digital user experiences. Whether it’s registering at a website, transacting online, or simply logging in to your bank account, organizations are actively trying to reduce the friction their customers experience while at the same time enhance their security, compliance, and fraud prevention measures. The shift toward […]

Introducing one-step classification and entity recognition with Amazon Comprehend for intelligent document processing

“Intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions extract data to support automation of high-volume, repetitive document processing tasks and for analysis and insight. IDP uses natural language technologies and computer vision to extract data from structured and unstructured content, especially from documents, to support automation and augmentation.”  – Gartner The goal of Amazon’s intelligent document processing (IDP) […]

Illustrative notebooks in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is the Machine Learning (ML) hub of SageMaker providing pre-trained, publicly available models for a wide range of problem types to help you get started with machine learning. JumpStart also offers example notebooks that use Amazon SageMaker features like spot instance training and experiments over a large variety of model types and […]

Interactive data prep widget for notebooks powered by Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

According to a 2020 survey of data scientists conducted by Anaconda, data preparation is one of the critical steps in machine learning (ML) and data analytics workflows, and often very time consuming for data scientists. Data scientists spend about 66% of their time on data preparation and analysis tasks, including loading (19%), cleaning (26%), and […]

Run notebooks as batch jobs in Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab

Recently, the Amazon SageMaker Studio launched an easy way to run notebooks as batch jobs that can run on a recurring schedule. Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab also supports this feature, enabling you to run notebooks that you develop in SageMaker Studio Lab in your AWS account. This enables you to quickly scale your machine learning […]

Organize machine learning development using shared spaces in SageMaker Studio for real-time collaboration

Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML). It provides a single, web-based visual interface where you can perform all ML development steps, including preparing data and building, training, and deploying models. Within an Amazon SageMaker Domain, users can provision a personal Amazon SageMaker Studio IDE application, which […]