How to build a Digital Caregiver Assistant

According to the United Nations, the number of elderly people in the world is projected to be 1.4 billion in 2030 and 2.1 billion in 2050. Whatever the specifics of the situation, having a 24/7 virtual personal assistant or caregiver for simple tasks such as making calls, asking for specialized help or booking an appointment could help improve the quality of life.

With the growth of the elderly population, the demand for easy to use home support grows as well.

In this example, solutions architect Monica Lora explores how to implement a virtual assistance/caregiver using AWS IoT and Amazon Sumerian. We'll first use an AWS IoT button to publish messages through AWS IoT core on the button's shadow topic. We will then create Amazon Lex bots using Amazon Lex to enable spoken interactions with the virtual host created using Amazon Sumerian.

Watch the video now to find out how to build your own solution.

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