AWS Cloud Map

Service discovery for cloud resources

Why AWS Cloud Map?

AWS Cloud Map is a cloud resource discovery service. With Cloud Map, you can define custom names for your application resources, and it maintains the updated location of these dynamically changing resources. This increases your application availability because your web service always discovers the most up-to-date locations of its resources.

Modern applications are typically composed of multiple services that are accessible over an API and perform a specific function. Each service interacts with a variety of other resources, such as databases, queues, object stores, and customer-defined microservices, and it needs to be able to find the location of all the infrastructure resources on which it depends in order to function. In most cases, you manage all these resource names and their locations manually within the application code. However, manual resource management becomes time consuming and error-prone as the number of dependent infrastructure resources increases or the number of microservices dynamically scale up and down based on traffic. You can also use third-party service discovery products, but this requires installing and managing additional software and infrastructure.

Cloud Map allows you to register any application resources, such as databases, queues, microservices, and other cloud resources, with custom names. Cloud Map then constantly checks the health of resources to make sure the location is up-to-date. The application can then query the registry for the location of the resources needed based on the application version and deployment environment.


Increase application availability

Cloud Map constantly monitors the health of every IP-based component of your application and dynamically updates the location of each microservice as it is added or removed. This ensures that your applications only discover the most up-to-date location of its resources, increasing the availability of the application.

Increase developer productivity

Cloud Map provides a single registry for all your application services which you can define with custom names. This ensures that your development teams don’t have to constantly store, track, and update resource name and location information or make changes directly within the application code.

Use cases

Blog posts and articles

Introducing Cloud Map

AWS Cloud Map keeps track of all your application components, their locations, attributes, and health status. Now your applications can simply query AWS Cloud Map using AWS SDK, API, or even DNS to discover the locations of its dependencies.

AWS Cloud Map service discovery for serverless applications

AWS Cloud Map enables the journey to microservices by acting as the glue that binds all of business logic. At, we use the serverless framework very heavily, so we wanted to look into ways of integrating AWS Cloud Map into the serverless framework workflow.