AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Networking & Content Delivery

Architecture for deploying stable diffusion on ComfyUI

Deploy Stable Diffusion ComfyUI on AWS elastically and efficiently

Introduction ComfyUI is an open-source node-based workflow solution for Stable Diffusion. It offers the following advantages: Significant performance optimization for SDXL model inference High customizability, allowing users granular control Portable workflows that can be shared easily Developer-friendly Due to these advantages, ComfyUI is increasingly being used by artistic creators. In this post, we will introduce […]

Unified API architecture

How Sonar built a unified API on AWS

SonarCloud, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product developed by Sonar, seamlessly integrates into developers’ CI/CD workflows to increase code quality and identify vulnerabilities. Over the last few months, Sonar’s cloud engineers have worked on modernizing SonarCloud to increase the lead time to production. Following Domain Driven Design principles, Sonar split the application into multiple business domains, each […]

Example of a stateless architecture

Converting stateful application to stateless using AWS services

Designing a system to be either stateful or stateless is an important choice with tradeoffs regarding its performance and scalability. In a stateful system, data from one session is carried over to the next. A stateless system doesn’t preserve data between sessions and depends on external entities such as databases or cache to manage state. […]

SMS link shortening architecture diagram

Reduce costs and enable integrated SMS tracking with Braze URL shortening

As competition grows fiercer, marketers need ways to ensure they reach each user with personalized content on their most critical channels. Short message/messaging service (SMS) is a key part of that effort, touching more than 5 billion people worldwide, with an impressive 82% open rate. However, SMS lacks the built-in engagement metrics supported by other […]

Building endless aisle architecture for order processing

Build a serverless retail solution for endless aisle on AWS

In traditional business models, retailers handle order-fulfillment processes from start to finish—including inventory management, owning or leasing warehouses, and managing supply chains. But many retailers aren’t set up to carry additional inventory. The “endless aisle” business model is an alternative solution for lean retailers that are carrying enough in-store inventory while wanting to avoid revenue […]

Single-tenant configuration

AWS Cloud service considerations when modernizing account-per-tenant solutions

An increasing number of software as a service (SaaS) providers are modernizing their architectures to utilize resources more efficiently and reduce operational costs. There are multiple strategies that can be used when refining your multi-tenant architecture. This blog will look at a specific scenario where SaaS providers move from an account-per-tenant to an Amazon Elastic […]

Optimize digital channels monitoring and management for Marketing

IBM Consulting creates innovative AWS solutions in French Hackathon

In March 2023, IBM Consulting delivered an Innovation Hackathon in France, aimed at designing and building new innovative solutions for real customer use cases using the AWS Cloud. In this post, we briefly explore six of the solutions considered and demonstrate the AWS architectures created and implemented during the Hackathon. Hackathon solutions Solution 1: Optimize […]

AI/ML hybrid data access strategy reference architecture

Designing a hybrid AI/ML data access strategy with Amazon SageMaker

Over time, many enterprises have built an on-premises cluster of servers, accumulating data, and then procuring more servers and storage. They often begin their ML journey by experimenting locally on their laptops. Investment in artificial intelligence (AI) is at a different stage in every business organization. Some remain completely on-premises, others are hybrid (both on-premises […]

Multi-VPC infrastructure architecture

Microservices discovery using Amazon EC2 and HashiCorp Consul

These days, large organizations typically have microservices environments that span across cloud platforms, on-premises data centers, and colocation facilities. The reasons for this vary but frequently include latency, local support structures, and historic architectural decisions. However, due to the complex nature of these environments, efficient mechanisms for service discovery and configuration management must be implemented […]