AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Regions

AWS Outposts and AWS Local Zones at athenahealth

Hybrid Cloud Journey using Amazon Outposts and AWS Local Zones

This post was co-written with Amy Flanagan, Vice President of Architecture and leader of the Virtual Architecture Team (VAT) at athenahealth, and Anusha Dharmalingam, Executive Director and Senior Architect at athenahealth. athenahealth has embarked on an ambitious journey to modernize its technology stack by leveraging AWS’s hybrid cloud solutions. This transformation aims to enhance scalability, […]

When the application experiences an impairment using S3 resources in the primary Region, it fails over to use an S3 bucket in the secondary Region.

Creating an organizational multi-Region failover strategy

AWS Regions provide fault isolation boundaries that prevent correlated failure and contain the impact from AWS service impairments to a single Region when they occur. You can use these fault boundaries to build multi-Region applications that consist of independent, fault-isolated replicas in each Region that limit shared fate scenarios. This allows you to build multi-Region […]

Resilience patterns and trade-offs

Understand resiliency patterns and trade-offs to architect efficiently in the cloud

This post was originally published in June 2022 and is now updated with more information on efficiently architecting resilient patterns in the cloud. Architecting workloads for resilience on the cloud often need to evaluate multiple factors before they can decide the most optimal architecture for their workloads. Example Corp has multiple applications with varying criticality, […]

Well-Architected logo

How to select a Region for your workload based on sustainability goals

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud is a constantly expanding network of Regions and points of presence (PoP), with a global network infrastructure linking them together. The choice of Regions for your workload significantly affects your workload KPIs, including performance, cost, and carbon footprint. The Well-Architected Framework’s sustainability pillar offers design principles and best practices […]

Architecture showing extended Web Application Deployment to China

Field Notes: Extend Your Web Application Deployment to the China Region Using AWS Direct Connect

Organizations running workloads on AWS often want to take advantage of the AWS global footprint to expand operations globally. Web applications hosted in a single AWS Region can be reached worldwide, but latency issues can negatively affect performance and the user experience. Web applications are often powered by underlying databases, such as a database running […]