Release: AWS SDK for JavaScript v2.0.19

This release adds document model support with JSON to Amazon DynamoDB, adds waiters to Amazon Elastic Transcoder, and makes it part of the default hosted browser SDK build. This release also resolves various reported issues.

Created On: October 08, 2014
Last Updated: October 09, 2017

Latest Version

In the Browser

In Node.js

npm install aws-sdk@2.0.19

New Features

Change Description
AWS.DynamoDB API Update

Added document model support with JSON to Amazon DynamoDB (AWS.DynamoDB).

AWS.ElasticTranscoder Waiters

Added 'jobComplete' resource waiter to AWS.ElasticTranscoder.

AWS.ElasticTranscoder Browser Support

Added AWS.ElasticTranscoder to default build of the SDK in the browser environment.

Resolved Issues

Change Description
Loading SDK Without Local Storage

Fixed an issue that caused the SDK to fail to load if cookies/localStorage were disabled in browser settings. See GitHub issue #365.

Response Parsing

Fixed an issue where empty strings were incorrectly parsed as null in responses of XML services.

Supported API Versions

This release of the SDK supports the following API versions:

In the Browser

Service API Version
Amazon CloudWatch 2010-08-01
Amazon Cognito Identity 2014-06-30
Amazon Cognito Sync 2014-06-30
Amazon DynamoDB 2011-12-05
Amazon Elastic Transcoder 2012-09-25
Amazon Kinesis 2013-12-02
Amazon Simple Notification Service 2010-03-31
Amazon Simple Queue Service 2012-11-05
Amazon Simple Storage Service 2006-03-01
AWS Security Token Service 2011-06-15

In Node.js

Service API Version
Amazon CloudFront 2014-05-31
Amazon CloudSearch 2011-02-01
Amazon CloudSearch Domain 2013-01-01
Amazon CloudWatch 2010-08-01
Amazon CloudWatch Logs 2014-03-28
Amazon Cognito Identity 2014-06-30
Amazon Cognito Sync 2014-06-30
Amazon DynamoDB 2011-12-05
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud 2014-06-15
Amazon Elastic MapReduce 2009-03-31
Amazon Elastic Transcoder 2012-09-25
Amazon ElastiCache 2014-07-15
Amazon Glacier 2012-06-01
Amazon Kinesis 2013-12-02
Amazon Redshift 2012-12-01
Amazon Relational Database Service 2013-01-10
Amazon Route 53 2013-04-01
Amazon Route 53 Domains 2014-05-15
Amazon Simple Email Service 2010-12-01
Amazon Simple Notification Service 2010-03-31
Amazon Simple Queue Service 2012-11-05
Amazon Simple Storage Service 2006-03-01
Amazon Simple Workflow Service 2012-01-25
Amazon SimpleDB 2009-04-15
Auto Scaling 2011-01-01
AWS CloudFormation 2010-05-15
AWS CloudTrail 2013-11-01
AWS Data Pipeline 2012-10-29
AWS Direct Connect 2012-10-25
AWS Elastic Beanstalk 2010-12-01
AWS Identity and Access Management 2010-05-08
AWS Import/Export 2010-06-01
AWS OpsWorks 2013-02-18
AWS Security Token Service 2011-06-15
AWS Storage Gateway 2013-06-30
AWS Support 2013-04-15
Elastic Load Balancing 2012-06-01