Business Process Discovery, Mining & Analysis Automations

Business operations leaders know it is essential to simplify and reduce the time, expense, and errors involved with evaluating their organizational internal processes. Business Process Discovery, Mining & Analysis Automations on AWS can help reduce business process operational costs and data throughput time by automatically identifying deviations and bottlenecks in a system. With these solutions, organizations can create more efficient data paths across multichannel customer interactions by automating process analyses from event logs and ultimately reducing the time it takes for process discovery.

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Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

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  • Publish Date
  • Process Mining - SaaS

    o Process mining helps businesses make faster, more informed decisions for process improvement through data-driven insights. o Gain complete process transparency using data from your business systems, such as ERP and CRM, pinpoint inefficiencies and prioritize automation by impact and expected ROI (PDF, 124 KB). Drive continuous process improvements by triggering corrective actions or generating RPA bots. o With this offering, clients can improve complex processes—achieving an 80% reduction in average lead time—to stay competitive, boost efficiency and reduce operational costs.
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