To reduce expensive physical prototyping iterations and identify optimal designs for reliability, cost and performance targets, customers are adopting model-based simulation approaches to verify a design of a system and optimize the hardware and software implementations. The solution response offers an integrated environment to test the system level simulation framework for 1/ sensitivity to design and operational parameters, 2/ identify right configuration of components, and 3/ interaction between components to deliver the best possible overall engineering design outcomes.

AWS Solutions

Ready-to-deploy solutions assembling AWS Services, code, and configurations

Showing results: 1
Total results: 1
  • Publish Date
  • Scale-Out Computing on AWS

    Deploy a solution that helps customers more easily deploy and operate a multiuser environment for computationally intensive workflows.
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Partner Solutions

Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 4
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    SIMPHERA, the web-based, highly scalable solution for the simulation and validation of functions for autonomous driving.
  • TotalCAE Platform

    TotalCAE Platform makes it simple for customers to adopt HPC in the cloud in just a few clicks and with support for hundreds of engineering applications.
  • Rescale Enterprise on AWS

    Rescale lets any engineer or scientist build, compute, and analyze simulations in the cloud. Rescale's Enterprise platform is available across all AWS region data centers and integrates with over 1,000+ HPC applications that are optimized for AWS instance types.
  • MATLAB Parallel Server

    MATLAB® Parallel Server™ lets you scale MATLAB programs and Simulink® simulations to clusters and clouds. You can prototype your programs and simulations on the desktop and then run them on clusters and clouds without recoding.
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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

Showing results: 1
Total results: 1
  • Publish Date
  • Model-Based Design Environment (MBDE) on AWS

    This Guidance shows how you can streamline and accelerate product development by building an MBDE for engineering and design. Using AWS as the foundation, you can create a modern cloud computing platform that is more secure, agile, and lightweight than on-premises document-based engineering environments. You can also use MBDE-generated models and data to build advanced analytics and generative models for predicting system behavior. The MBDE approach centralizes management of your tools, helping you identify product development risks early, improve overall development performance, and streamline collaboration with stakeholders.
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