Solutions for Engineering and Design

Discover curated Solutions that address varied use cases across engineering and design

Transforming engineering and design with AWS

Unlock the full potential of the cloud and innovate faster. AWS offers the broadest set of services, Solutions, and Guidance coupled with pre-built industry AWS Partner Solutions to make it easier to select the right tools for your highest-priority workloads. Use Solutions on AWS for Engineering and Design to accelerate virtual product development, improve design testing and refinement, and streamline regulatory compliance processes.

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Browse Solutions for engineering and design

Explore AWS Services, ready-to-deploy AWS Solutions, specialized Partner Solutions, and architectural Guidance for your engineering and design initiatives.

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Analysis and Optimization
Data Management and Analytics
Electronics Design
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Predictive Modeling and Simulations
System Engineering
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  • Guidance

    Deploying Remote Desktop Gateway on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to deploy Remote Desktop Gateway to the AWS Cloud.

  • Guidance

    Running Autodesk AutoCAD on Amazon AppStream 2.0

    This Guidance helps customers build an Amazon AppStream 2.0 environment to deploy and stream Autodesk AutoCAD.

  • Partner Solution

    Ansys Gateway powered by AWS

    Ansys Gateway powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the solution for developers, designers, and engineers who want complete control of their Ansys Simulation and CAD/CAE developments on the cloud. The solution deploys optimized configurations of Ansys software into the customer's account where the Ansys software packages run on either stand-alone virtual workstations or HPC clusters.
  • AWS Service

    Amazon WorkSpaces

    Fully managed virtual desktops

  • AWS Service

    Research and Engineering Studio on AWS

    Simplify research computing and product design in the cloud

  • AWS Service

    Amazon DCV

    Deliver high-performance remote desktop and application streaming
  • AWS Service

    Amazon AppStream 2.0

    Secure, reliable, and scalable application streaming

  • Partner Solution

    Citrix DaaS

    Give employees the freedom to work from anywhere while cutting IT costs. Deliver Windows, Linux, and web business applications or full virtual desktops from AWS, within a modern digital workspace.
  • Partner Solution


    Frame lets you stream your Windows apps and desktops from AWS to a browser on any device. This Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is easy to deploy, integrates seamlessly with your chosen identity and storage providers, and runs any app from basic office productivity tools to rich 3D graphics apps.
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