Preemptively identify defects with predictive quality management

Manufacturers frequently experience lags in their key performance indicators (KPIs) due to the reporting of defects after they have already occurred. While such an inspection identifies defects, it does not address the needs of the manufacturer to predict or prevent them. Predictive Quality solutions on AWS give manufacturers leading KPIs to identify quality before defects occur. These solutions integrate manufacturing process data using AWS IoT services, combines that data with in-process and end-of-line quality data, and uses artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) computations to predict defects before they occur.

Partner Solutions

Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

Showing results: 1-2
Total results: 2
  • Publish Date
  • Eigen Industrial Vision Platform

    Eigen’s AI-enabled vision platform allows manufacturers to see inside their processes to avoid costly quality issues. It consolidates critical quality and process data to detect issues in-line – eliminating scrap and destructive, post-production testing and providing traceability on every-part.
  • Insights Hub Quality Prediction

    Siemens Insights Hub is an open industrial IoT as a service solution that enables industrial scalable solutions, continuous insights, comprehensive analytics, complete lifecycle visibility and custom digital strategies that give companies a competitive advantage.
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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

Showing results: 1
Total results: 1
  • Publish Date
  • Predictive Quality with Eigen on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how Eigen Industrial Vision integrates machine vision in addition to manufacturing process and quality data on every machine part.
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