Connect and secure your IoT applications from the cloud to the edge

Connecting devices to the cloud requires specialized competencies. The Device Connectivity solutions on AWS provide easy to deploy frameworks incorporating security best practices and accelerate development of scalable connected products.

AWS Services

Purpose-built cloud products

Partner Solutions

Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

Showing results: 1-2
Total results: 2
  • Publish Date
  • ESP RainMaker

    ESP RainMaker® is a complete system for building AIoT products with a minimal amount of code, empowering customers to develop and deploy secure, customized AIoT solutions. It covers all Espressif chips and modules, device firmware, voice-assistant integrations, phone apps and cloud backend.
  • IoT Security

    Palo Alto Networks' IoT Security prevents known exploits, web threats, C2, and malware; and prevents zero-day threats with inline Deep Learning and instant IoT behavior anomaly detection
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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

Showing results: 1-2
Total results: 2
  • Publish Date
  • Connected Vehicles on AWS

    This Guidance helps you modernize your broker to gather, collect, and distribute data with your connected vehicle workloads using AWS IoT Core and Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) 5.
  • Full Duplex Open Platform Communication on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to implement and monitor two-way communication with renewable energy assets using AWS IoT Greengrass.

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