When you want to build new applications or scale up, handling complex networks across multiple locations can be a challenge. AWS Application Networking solutions streamline your network operations, offering load balancing, connectivity options, managed services, and pre-built architectures, allowing you to focus on your core business objectives while saving time and resources. These solutions increase security, visibility, and reliability, with rich customization and automation capabilities. They help you avoid the undifferentiated heavy lifting of setting up your network, so developers and experts alike can focus on creating differentiated value.

AWS Services

Purpose-built cloud products

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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

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Total results: 2
  • Publish Date
  • Amazon VPC Lattice Automated DNS Configuration on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates an automated approach for creating the DNS resolution required when creating Amazon VPC Lattice services with custom domain names in multi-account environments. 

  • External Connectivity to Amazon VPC Lattice

    This Guidance demonstrates how to configure a proxy in a virtual private cloud (VPC) to connect external services to your Amazon VPC Lattice service network, enabling public, hybrid, or cross-Region access.
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