The world's most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform

Software applications are moving to the cloud at a fast pace. 

Amazon Web Services is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud provider. We provide over 200 fully-featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers—such as software companies—are using AWS to lower costs, increase agility, and innovate faster. Whether you are a software company migrating from on-premises to the cloud, scaling a new service, or re-inventing your business, AWS can support you.

Our experts and programs support both business and technical teams on a wide range of challenges to help you differentiate your software company and invent on behalf of your customers.

Deliver sustained growth with AWS (1:38)

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Innovate with AI

AI (and generative AI) are critical for software companies. They can help automate tasks, personalize experiences, derive insights, and enable innovation. See how AI can help your business.

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Why AWS for Software Companies?

Faster growth

Grow in new markets by leveraging our global footprint and expertise across business models, best practices, and demand generation.

Read our infographic on growing with AWS.
Easy migration

Migrate your workloads with our comprehensive transformation support. Enhance and modernize your business model, save cost, and be ready to adapt to the way customers prefer to use your software.

Learn more about migration.

Make your solution unique, get to market faster, and accelerate the pace of innovation. Streamline your development environment with automation and pre-built solutions.

Learn how to reinvent without a defined roadmap.
Security and scale

Take advantage of greater control and enhanced security capabilities that can help you meet the most stringent data privacy requirements. Quickly scale resources to enable you to move into new markets, while lowering costs and only paying for what you need.

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Software companies of all sizes are building a stronger future powered by AWS. Contact our sales experts and start your own AWS Cloud journey today.

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