AWS architecture icons
Easily build architecture diagrams with AWS-approved icons
Visualize your work with easy-to-make diagrams
Architecture diagrams are a great way to communicate your design, deployment, and topology.
To help you build diagrams, this page has Amazon Web Services (AWS) product icons, resources, and tools you can use. We allow customers and partners to use these toolkits and assets to create architecture diagrams.
AWS architecture icons are designed to be simple, so you can easily use them in diagrams. You can also put icons in materials like whitepapers, presentations, data sheets, and posters.
You can build diagrams with preexisting libraries on third-party tools. Check that you’re using up-to-date icons, because some libraries may contain legacy icon sets.
Architecture icon packages are released on a quarterly basis: Q1 (end of January), Q2 (end of April), and Q3 (end of July). No releases occur in Q4.

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