当今的游戏越来越趋向线上平台,供游戏玩家们相聚、创作、分享和聊天互动。这种充满活力的体验为玩家提供了价值,但也让恶意行为者有了可乘之机。AWS 的社区管理与增长解决方案可帮助游戏开发者创建更安全、更具包容性的环境,培养积极和有吸引力的游戏内社区,从而提高玩家留存率、品牌声誉并扩大忠实粉丝群。

AWS 服务


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来自 AWS 合作伙伴的软件、软件即服务或托管型服务

Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 4
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  • Databricks Gaming Toxicity Detection Solution Accelerator

    Foster healthier gaming communities with real-time detection of toxic language. This Solution Accelerator walks you through the steps required to detect toxic comments in real time to improve the user experience and foster healthier gaming communities. Build a lakehouse for all your gamer data and use natural language processing techniques to flag questionable comments for moderation. -Enable real-time detection of toxic comments within in-game chat -Easily integrate into existing community moderation processes -Seamlessly add new sources of gamer data (e.g., streams, files or voice data)
  • GGWP Platform

    GGWP is a smart, AI-powered moderation platform that enables you to easily view your game's aggregate community health, review incidents that occur with contextual information, and understand each players' overall impact in your community. We help you to work smarter, not harder, to tackle your game's biggest issues so you can focus more time, energy, and resources on the players and problems that matter most.
  • ActiveOS

    ActiveOS: The Trust & Safety Operation System. A single platform to orchestrate and manage your entire Trust & Safety operation. The market’s first and most robust built-for-purpose content moderation platform. Designed with all the functionality a moderation team needs to orchestrate the full life cycle of moderation efforts, end-to-end including customizable moderator queues, analytics, wellness and resiliency tools, automated workflow builder, transparency reporting, and much more.
  • ToxMod

    ToxMod is gaming’s only proactive, voice-native moderation solution. Built on advanced machine learning technology and designed with player safety and privacy in mind, ToxMod triages voice chat to flag bad behavior, analyzes the nuances of each conversation to determine toxicity, and enables moderators to quickly respond to each incident by supplying relevant and accurate context.



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Total results: 2
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