Boosting MySQL database performance
with Amazon ElastiCache (Redis OSS)

Create a MySQL Database
Module 2: Create a MySQL database
You will create a RDS/MySQL database instance and your MySQL table.
What You Will Learn
- How to create a RDS/MySQL Database Instance and your MySQL table
Time to Complete
20 minutes
Services Used
Open the Amazon RDS Console
2.1 - Open a browser and navigate to Amazon RDS console.
2.2 — On the top right corner, select the region where you want to launch the Aurora DB cluster.
2.3 — Click on “Create database” in the Amazon Aurora window.
Before continuing, switch to the new database creation flow if the option appears:
Engine options
2.4 — On Database engine, select “MySQL”.
2.5 — On Version, select the most recent MySQL version.
2.6 — Select “Free tier”.
2.7 — Choose an identifier for your MySQL database, e.g. “database-1”.
DB instance size
2.8 — Select db.t2.micro.
You can leave the default value.
2.9 — Select the VPC where you want to create the database.
Note that once created, a database can’t be migrated to a different VPC.
2.10 — Click on “Additional connectivity configuration”.
2.11 — Select the default value for Subnet group.
2.12 — On Publicly accessible, select “No”.
This means you will have to connect to the database from an EC2 instance within the same VPC.
2.13 — On VPC security group, select “Create new”.
If you happen to have a security group that allows incoming TCP connections on port 3306, you can choose it instead.
2.14 — In New VPC security group name, type “elc-tutorial”.
2.15 — Leave the default value for Database port.
Additional configuration
Leave the default values for “Additional configuration”.
The best practice is to enable the Deletion protection. If you want to delete the database at the end of the tutorial, you can leave the option unchecked.
2.16 — On “Deletion protection”, uncheck “Enable deletion protection”.
Review and create
After a quick review of all the fields in the form, you can proceed.
2.17 — Click on “Create database”.
While the instances are being created, you will see a banner explaining how to obtain your credentials. This is a good opportunity to save the credentials somewhere, as this is the only time you will be able to view this password.
2.18 — Click on “View credential details”.
2.19 — Save the username, password, and endpoint.