Mengapa memilih AWS Executive Insights?
Di podcast kami untuk para pemimpin bisnis, simak para eksekutif yang berbagi wawasan pribadi tentang pengembangan kepemimpinan, inovasi untuk pertumbuhan, membangun ketahanan, dan membentuk masa depan organisasi mereka.

Episode video dari Podcast AWS Executive Insights
Tonton versi video dari beberapa podcast kepemimpinan kami yang paling populer, di mana ahli industri dan pemimpin AWS berbagi wawasan transformasi digital, strategi inovasi, dan banyak lagi. Simak perspektif yang dapat ditindaklanjuti, praktik terbaik, dan kepemimpinan pemikiran terbaru yang relevan dengan pengambil keputusan eksekutif. Dapatkan berbagai pilihan podcast kepemimpinan bisnis untuk CEO, CFO, CTO, dan pemimpin lainnya.
Dari Tertinggal hingga Terdepan: Menavigasi Tantangan Adopsi AI
Dalam episode ini, Ahli Strategi Perusahaan AWS memberikan peta jalan bagi organisasi yang mungkin merasa telah melewatkan keuntungan penggerak pertama dengan AI generatif. Mereka berbagi saran praktis untuk mengatasi hambatan umum seperti kelumpuhan analisis, pengelolaan risiko, dan peningkatan keterampilan tim.
Status AI Generatif
AI generatif memiliki potensi dampak ekonomi USD2,6 hingga USD4,4 triliun, tetapi bagaimana para pemimpin membukanya? Bergabunglah dengan Tom Godden, Direktur, AWS Enterprise Strategy, dan Aamer Baig, Mitra Senior di McKinsey and Co., saat mereka membahas keadaan AI generatif saat ini, dan ke mana ia dapat membawa kita di masa depan.
Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Cultivating Resilience Through Innovation
Konsep 'ketahanan bisnis' secara tradisional berpusat pada kapasitas organisasi untuk menangani kegagalan dan menghadapi gangguan. Namun, bisnis yang benar-benar tangguh tidak sekadar mengandalkan strategi respons belaka; bisnis secara proaktif mendesain dan menguji rencana dengan ketat untuk mencegah kemunduran tersebut. Bahkan, bisnis yang paling tangguh tidak hanya menahan gangguan, mereka menciptakannya.
Looking Forward by Working Backwards
Pemimpin dari Mitsubishi Electric membahas perjalanan mereka dalam mendorong transformasi digital di konglomerat manufaktur yang berusia 100 tahun. Mereka menceritakan bagaimana mereka memanfaatkan metodologi Working Backwards dari Amazon untuk lebih memahami kebutuhan pelanggan dan mengembangkan solusi baru yang inovatif, serta tantangan budaya dalam beralih dari organisasi yang saling terisolasi dan didorong aturan ke organisasi yang lebih tangkas serta didorong data.
Podcast untuk eksekutif teknologi cloud
Podcast AWS Executive Insights menghadirkan diskusi dengan para pemimpin eksekutif yang mentransformasi tim dan organisasi mereka. Dipandu oleh AWS Enterprise Strategists, seri ini mengeksplorasi topik-topik seperti kepemimpinan, budaya, dan manajemen perubahan.
Episode terbaru
Total results: 215
- Tanggal Publikasi
- Abjad (A-Z)
- Abjad (Z-A)
PrivatBank: Accelerating Transformation in Times of War
Featuring Aleksy Zayet, Chief Technology & Cloud Architect of PrivatBankAleksy Zayet, Chief Technology & Cloud Architect of PrivatBank, shares how Ukraine's largest bank completed a remarkable 43-day cloud migration amid the Russian invasion in 2022. Under missile attacks and with critical infrastructure being destroyed, PrivatBank's journey from on-premises to AWS cloud showcases an extraordinary story of resilience, demonstrating how crisis can accelerate digital transformation while maintaining essential financial services for more than half of Ukraine's population.
Security is in Our DNA
A conversation with AWS CEO Matt GarmanIn this Executive Insights podcast, Clarke Rodgers, Director of AWS Enterprise Strategy, interviews Matt Garman, CEO of AWS, exploring the company’s deeply rooted security culture. Garman, who was also AWS’s first product manager, discusses how security has been "priority zero" since the company's inception. From upholding cloud security best practices to navigating AI security challenges, Garman discusses how AWS embeds security into every aspect of its operations. (March 2025)
Leading with Humanity
A conversation with Amazon Board Member Edith CooperEdith Cooper, Amazon Board Member and former Goldman Sachs CHRO, discusses leadership, organizational culture, and human connection in the modern workplace. Cooper shares insights from her experiences at Goldman Sachs and as co-founder of Medley, a coaching organization. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining customer centricity, fostering authentic human connections, and leveraging data and technology while preserving human expertise.
How BMW Group is Driving Business Resilience with Generative AI
Featuring Marco Görgmaier, VP of Enterprise Platforms, Data and AI, BMW GroupGet the inside scoop on BMW Group's data and AI transformation journey in this discussion with Marco Görgmaier, VP of Enterprise Platforms, Data and AI. Listen in as AWS Enterprise Strategist Matthias Patzak interviews Marco about how BMW Group is revolutionizing its operations through generative AI.
Modernizing Public Media for the Streaming Age at PBS
Featuring Ira Rubenstein, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer, PBSIn this Executive Insights conversation, Ira Rubenstein, Chief Digital and Marketing Officer at PBS, discusses the transformation of public media for the streaming age. Drawing from his 20+ years of experience championing digital innovation in Hollywood, Rubenstein details PBS's evolution into a sophisticated digital platform delivering 400 million streams monthly.
Right-Sizing Security Across Amazon Businesses
A conversation with Amazon CSO Steve SchmidtSecurity leadership requires a holistic approach across physical and digital domains — and Amazon's diverse business portfolio presents unique challenges and opportunities in both realms. In this interview with Steve Schmidt, Amazon's Chief Security Officer, we'll explore how Amazon implements security across AWS,, Whole Foods, Prime Video, Kuiper and more.