AWS Parallel Computing Service

Easily run HPC workloads at virtually any scale


AWS Parallel Computing Service (AWS PCS) is a managed service that makes it easier for you to run and scale your high performance computing (HPC) workloads and build scientific and engineering models on AWS using Slurm. You can use AWS PCS to build complete, elastic environments that integrate compute, storage, networking, and visualization tools. AWS PCS simplifies cluster operations with managed updates and built-in observability features, helping to remove the burden of maintenance. You can work in a familiar environment, focusing on your research and innovation instead of worrying about infrastructure.

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Use cases

Tightly coupled workloads

Efficiently run parallel MPI applications, such as computer-aided engineering (CAE), weather and climate modeling, and seismic and reservoir simulation, at virtually any scale.

High-throughput computing and loosely coupled workloads

Use AWS for distributed applications at virtually any scale, powering workloads ranging across Monte Carlo simulations, image processing, and genomics analysis.

Accelerated computing

Decrease time to results for diverse workloads using GPUs, FPGAs, and Amazon custom silicon such as AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia for workloads ranging from building scientific and engineering models or protein structure prediction to Cryo-EM.

Interactive workflows

Run human-in-the-loop workflows to prepare inputs, run simulations, visualize and analyze results in real time, and use results to refine further trials.

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