Watch the 2024 Keynote

At the July 10 AWS New York Summit, Dr. Matt Wood, VP for AI Products announced a wide range of capabilities for customers to tailor generative AI to their needs and realize the benefits of generative AI faster. AWS is enabling anyone to build generative AI applications with Amazon Q Apps by writing a simple natural language prompt—in seconds. We’re making it easier to leverage your data, supercharge agents, and quickly, securely, and responsibly deploy generative AI into production with new features in Amazon Bedrock. 

AWS Summit New York 2024 - Keynote with Matt Wood

What We Launched

Customizable Amazon Q Developer recommendations

Get code recommendations based on your internal code base with customized Amazon Q Developer recommendations, now generally available.

Amazon Q Apps (GA)

Automate tasks with Amazon Q Apps, now generally available.

AWS App Studio (Preview)

AWS App Studio is now in public preview. Build business applications in minutes with a generative AI–powered, low-code service.

Amazon MemoryDB

Power real-time ML and generative AI applications with the fastest vector search performance on AWS with vector search for Amazon MemoryDB, now generally available.

Agents for Amazon Bedrock

Enable generative AI applications to execute multistep tasks across company systems and data sources.

Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock

Implement safeguards customized to your application requirements and responsible AI policies.

Amazon Q Developer in SageMaker Studio

Accelerate your machine learning development velocity with AI coding assistance in SageMaker Studio.