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Amazon Web Services is a wild world of over 200 services and growing, each with its nuances around usage and cost. Your company has a number of applications, with different features and requirements in terms of security, scalability, reliability, and availability. It’s not an easy task to map your application and business needs to what can be done with the cloud. We are here to help with that.

Why you might need AWS audit and assessment

Are you using EKS correctly? Should you choose ECS or EKS as a container platform? Would you benefit from using Lambda? Is your S3 storage optimized for the cost? Is there anything wrong with your IAM setup? Should I use EC2 instances or this is something from prehistoric times? How to migrate the on-premise monolithic applications to cloud-native microservices? Those and many other questions will be answered, tailored to your particular environment and applications.

How the process of AWS audit and assessment looks like

As part of an in-depth AWS audit and assessment, we review your setup from every angle — from security to cost, from high availability to automation and DevOps best practices. We will examine every AWS service you are currently using — and proactively suggest potential replacements. We will look at your applications and tell you from which AWS Services or features they can benefit.

  1. We conduct a series of interviews with your team — infrastructure engineers, developers, product owners. We won’t just collect the info about your AWS setup — we go deep, by analyzing your applications and what they do. The best benefits of the cloud can be gained by aligning your apps to what the cloud has to offer.
  2. We analyze your setup hands-on — for that we will need full ReadOnly access to your AWS accounts.
  3. Based on what we see and hear, we will build a detailed report on everything we found that could be improved or introduced. We will also fill your backlog with concrete user stories.

Case Studies

About mkdev

mkdev is a DevOps and Cloud Consultancy based in Munich, Germany. We are here to boost your productivity, reduce cloud costs and complexity, and enhance your standing as a true tech leader. We do it with Cloud Native technologies*, deep Automation and Artificial Intelligence. Learn more about us at

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Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


For support or questions about mkdev's services, send an email to or schedule a call with us to discuss auditing your cloud infrastructure: