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Pluralsight will provide a Senior Consultant (SC) for a one-year period beginning with the discovery stage to understand organization objectives and engineering culture and identify business use cases. In the Design stage, the SC will work with Customer to co-create a project roadmap with associated activities and timelines, and communication plan. In the Deploy stage, the SC will provide guidance as to how Flow Data can be used at ceremonies to create efficiencies and drive innovations and host Office Hours to address comments, questions or concerns. Reviewing Sprints, Retrospectives, Team Huddles, and Team Data Points. Throughout the engagement, appropriate selections of data dives will be applied to support each stage of the service to support Customer planning, learning and decision making. Where a Pluralsight Customer Success Manager is assigned, quarterly project review will be conducted in tandem with them. The engagement period is defined as one-year from the SOW effective date

Sold by Pluralsight
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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