AWS Machine Learning Blog

AWS Deep Learning AMIs Now Available in AWS GovCloud (US) Region

The AWS Deep Learning AMIs (Amazon machine images) are now available in AWS GovCloud (US), Amazon’s isolated cloud region built for sensitive data and regulated workloads.

Available in Ubuntu and Amazon Linux, the AMIs provide fully-configured development environments to quickly build AI applications using popular deep learning frameworks including TensorFlow, Apache MXNet and Gluon, PyTorch, Chainer, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, Caffe, Caffe2, Theano, and Keras, optimized for high performance on Amazon EC2 instances. For developers who want a clean slate to set up custom builds of deep learning engines, the Base AMIs are also available in Ubuntu and Amazon Linux. To accelerate model training, the AMIs include the latest NVIDIA GPU-acceleration through pre-configured CUDA and cuDNN drivers, as well as the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), in addition to installing popular Python packages and the Anaconda Platform.  

Using the AMIs, you can train custom models, experiment with new algorithms, and learn new deep learning skills and techniques. There is no additional charge to use the AMIs—you pay only for the AWS resources needed to store and run your applications. 

Many organizations use the AMIs to quickly develop AI applications. For example, Matrix Analytics uses the AMIs and TensorFlow on AWS to build and train computer vision algorithms to read patient scans to predict and diagnose cancer. As well, Zocdoc uses the AMIs and TensorFlow to develop deep learning algorithms for their mobile solution, which helps patients navigate insurance providers, and match patients and doctors more efficiently.

Get started with deep learning

You can get started with the AWS Deep Learning AMIs by using our getting started tutorial and our developer guide for more tutorials, resources, and release notes.

Learn more about AWS GovCloud (US) here or contact the AWS GovCloud (US) team with any questions.

About the author

Cynthya Peranandam is a Principal Marketing Manager for AWS artificial intelligence solutions, helping customers use deep learning to provide business value. In her spare time she likes to run and listen to music.