AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon Machine Learning

Event Driven MLOps architecture with SageMaker

Modernizing data science lifecycle management with AWS and Wipro

This post was written in collaboration with Bhajandeep Singh and Ajay Vishwakarma from Wipro’s AWS AI/ML Practice. Many organizations have been using a combination of on-premises and open source data science solutions to create and manage machine learning (ML) models. Data science and DevOps teams may face challenges managing these isolated tool stacks and systems. […]

Generating value from enterprise data: Best practices for Text2SQL and generative AI

Generative AI has opened up a lot of potential in the field of AI. We are seeing numerous uses, including text generation, code generation, summarization, translation, chatbots, and more. One such area that is evolving is using natural language processing (NLP) to unlock new opportunities for accessing data through intuitive SQL queries. Instead of dealing […]

Deploy foundation models with Amazon SageMaker, iterate and monitor with TruEra

This blog is co-written with Josh Reini, Shayak Sen and Anupam Datta from TruEra Amazon SageMaker JumpStart provides a variety of pretrained foundation models such as Llama-2 and Mistal 7B that can be quickly deployed to an endpoint. These foundation models perform well with generative tasks, from crafting text and summaries, answering questions, to producing […]

Build generative AI agents with Amazon Bedrock, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Kendra, Amazon Lex, and LangChain

Generative AI agents are capable of producing human-like responses and engaging in natural language conversations by orchestrating a chain of calls to foundation models (FMs) and other augmenting tools based on user input. Instead of only fulfilling predefined intents through a static decision tree, agents are autonomous within the context of their suite of available […]

Driving advanced analytics outcomes at scale using Amazon SageMaker powered PwC’s Machine Learning Ops Accelerator

This post was written in collaboration with Ankur Goyal and Karthikeyan Chokappa from PwC Australia’s Cloud & Digital business. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming an integral part of systems and processes, enabling decisions in real time, thereby driving top and bottom-line improvements across organizations. However, putting an ML model into production […]

Create summaries of recordings using generative AI with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Transcribe

Meeting notes are a crucial part of collaboration, yet they often fall through the cracks. Between leading discussions, listening closely, and typing notes, it’s easy for key information to slip away unrecorded. Even when notes are captured, they can be disorganized or illegible, rendering them useless. In this post, we explore how to use Amazon […]

Solution Overview

Build an end-to-end MLOps pipeline using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines, GitHub, and GitHub Actions

Machine learning (ML) models do not operate in isolation. To deliver value, they must integrate into existing production systems and infrastructure, which necessitates considering the entire ML lifecycle during design and development. ML operations, known as MLOps, focus on streamlining, automating, and monitoring ML models throughout their lifecycle. Building a robust MLOps pipeline demands cross-functional […]

Getir end-to-end workforce management: Amazon Forecast and AWS Step Functions

This is a guest post co-authored by Nafi Ahmet Turgut, Mehmet İkbal Özmen, Hasan Burak Yel, Fatma Nur Dumlupınar Keşir, Mutlu Polatcan and Emre Uzel from Getir. Getir is the pioneer of ultrafast grocery delivery. The technology company has revolutionized last-mile delivery with its grocery in-minutes delivery proposition. Getir was founded in 2015 and operates […]

Mitigate hallucinations through Retrieval Augmented Generation using Pinecone vector database & Llama-2 from Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

Despite the seemingly unstoppable adoption of LLMs across industries, they are one component of a broader technology ecosystem that is powering the new AI wave. Many conversational AI use cases require LLMs like Llama 2, Flan T5, and Bloom to respond to user queries. These models rely on parametric knowledge to answer questions. The model […]

Text Summarization Techniques

Techniques for automatic summarization of documents using language models

Summarization is the technique of condensing sizable information into a compact and meaningful form, and stands as a cornerstone of efficient communication in our information-rich age. In a world full of data, summarizing long texts into brief summaries saves time and helps make informed decisions. Summarization condenses content, saving time and improving clarity by presenting […]