AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Showcase foundational knowledge of AWS cloud services and cloud computing

Exam overview

Category Foundational
Exam duration 90 minutes
Exam format 65 questions; either multiple choice or multiple response
Cost 100 USD. Visit Exam pricing for additional cost information, including foreign exchange rates
Test in-person or online
Pearson VUE testing center or online proctored exam
Languages offered English, Bahasa (Indonesian), French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner validates foundational, high-level understanding of AWS Cloud, services, and terminology.  This is a good starting point on the AWS Certification journey for individuals with no prior IT or cloud experience switching to a cloud career or for line-of-business employees looking for foundational cloud literacy.

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