AWS Mainframe Modernization 能力合作伙伴

与拥有深厚技术知识和久经考验的客户成功案例的 AWS 专业化合作伙伴一起推动创新并释放更大的商业价值

为什么选择 AWS Mainframe Modernization?

现代化大型机工作负载并将其迁移到 Amazon Web Services(AWS),使客户和合作伙伴能够推动创新、灵活性并节约成本。这些迁移帮助客户缓解与维护旧技术和寻找利基技能相关的风险。AWS 客户认识到大型机现代化的复杂性,因此寻求行之有效的方法、工具和最佳实践,以加快大型机向 AWS 的迁移和现代化。

AWS 能力合作伙伴计划旨在甄选、验证和推广展现出 AWS 技术专业知识并具有经过验证的客户成功案例的 AWS 合作伙伴。 AWS 能力合作伙伴计划已经证实,以下合作伙伴已经展示了他们帮助客户将应用程序和传统基础设施迁移到 AWS 的能力。

按类别搜索 AWS Mainframe Modernization 能力合作伙伴

Mainframe Modernization 软件

拥有 Mainframe Modernization 软件能力的 AWS 合作伙伴在将大型机应用程序和数据迁移到 AWS 方面拥有久经考验的技术和客户成功案例。


Mainframe Modernization 服务

具有 Mainframe Modernization 服务能力的 AWS 合作伙伴在成功迁移大型机工作负载方面拥有成熟的实践和跟踪记录。



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    • Financial Services

      Presidio Migrates Q2, Inc. Digital Banking Product to AWS to Accelerate Innovation While Reducing Costs

      United States

      Q2, Inc., a financial experience company, partnered with AWS Partner Presidio to migrate its largest revenue-generating digital banking product to AWS, avoiding a costly on-premises hardware investment. Q2 set an ambitious goal to decrease costs by 25% to better serve each customer. The AWS migration would prove integral to achieving this goal. To satisfy a tight timeline and rigid uptime requirements, Presidio developed an automated, parallel migration  platform called “Q2 Migration Manager” (Q2MM) to accelerate the project.

    • Software & Internet

      Improvement-IT Uses TechNative to Migrate to AWS, Speeds Customer Onboarding, and Reduces Support Calls by 15%

      The Netherlands

      Improvement-IT, based in the Netherlands, provides IoT solutions to a variety of organizations with an emphasis on tracking, tracing, and monitoring the status of assets. Together with its other companies Port Pay and Alltrack Medical, it offers these innovative solutions to help customers track assets in the field, manage warehouses, and optimize supply chains. However, it was being hampered by its own managed services provider, which was running both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and on-premises assets for it. It wanted a proactive partner with deep expertise to help optimize its systems, improve client onboarding times, and better detect problems before they affected customers. AWS Partner TechNative has helped it to achieve those goals, reducing customer support calls by 15 percent and cutting onboarding time by 50 percent.

    • Oil & Gas

      Petronash Migrates to SAP on AWS to Improve Scalability, Performance, and Security with Integra Technologies

      United Arab Emirates

      Petronash is an engineering firm established in 2000 in the United Arab Emirates and specializes in integrated solutions tailored for the oil and gas industry. Over the years, the company has grown and extended its operations across the globe. Petronash uses SAP to manage its operations, from internal processes to connections to thousands of customers and suppliers in its supply chain. Its SAP system was running on on-premises infrastructure that was facing end of support and needed to be replaced. With the help of AWS Partner Integra Technologies, the company assessed a range of options and decided to migrate to Amazon Web Services (AWS). With around 95 percent of its operations now on AWS, Petronash has reduced operational costs by 35 percent and reported a 30 percent improvement in SAP application performance.

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    • Kyle Charlet、Bruno Sahinoglu、Madhu B Ananthapadmanabh、Brenesh Stanslas, Invalid date
      IBM 大型机仍然是一款使用广泛的企业系统,为世界领先的银行、航空公司、保险公司等企业托管关键核心业务应用程序。了解如何以无代码方式将在大型机上运行的核心业务应用程序和数据作为行业标准 RESTful API 公开,从而释放其价值。利用这些使用 IBM Z 和云现代化堆栈的 API,使 AWS 中的云原生应用程序能够安全地与大型机应用程序和数据交互。
    • Phil de Valence, Invalid date
      大型机通常托管核心业务流程和数据。为保持竞争力,客户必须快速进行大型机工作负载转型,才能在获得敏捷性的同时保持弹性并降低成本。定义敏捷性属性并确定相应转型的优先顺序,以在最短时间内实现最大业务价值困难重重。本文深入探讨了大型机工作负载所需的实际敏捷性属性,以及如何通过 AWS 加速向这种敏捷性的转型。
    • Alexis Henry, Invalid date
      在对客户大型机进行现代化改造时,AWS Blu Age 团队发现,Batch 可能是大型机迁移到 AWS 的一个复杂方面。设计 AWS 架构以满足关键 Batch 的严格性能要求至关重要,例如密集 I/O、大型数据集和短时长。下面,我们来探讨一下如何使用 AWS Blu Age 自动转换技术将大型机 Batch 迁移到 AWS 微服务。