“我认为云几乎是任何功能的重要组成部分。比如语音识别、ADAS……如果您从客户的角度来看 ADAS,您会发现很多功能之所以能够实现,都是因为背后有强大的云服务作为支撑。”
Christoph Grote 博士
从嵌入式的高级驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 到联网的信息娱乐系统,现代汽车的体验正越来越多地由软件来驱动。宝马集团正站在转型浪潮的最前沿。在这里,宝马集团电子和软件高级副总裁 Christoph Grote 探讨了软件定义汽车对于全球顶尖汽车品牌所代表的意义。开发人员参与持续软件开发周期的重要性。以及云如何成为创新的基础。
Total results: 12
BMW Group on AWS
BMW Group builds on AWS to help it achieve the agility and flexibility it needs to democratize data usage at scale and accelerate innovation.
BMW's Unified Configurator Platform
At the AWS Summit Berlin 2018, BMW Group presented a deep dive into the journey from an on-premises, monolithic application to a microservices-based platform in the cloud. -
Data Lakes with BMW
In this session, we will explore the BMW Cloud Data Hub, and how BMW and AWS have teamed up to accelerate data driven innovation enterprise-wide. We'll then switch gears to discuss the AWS Autonomous Driving Data Lake reference architecture to learn how customers manage the challenge of ingesting, transforming, labeling, and cataloging massive amounts of data to develop automated driving systems by using Amazon EMR, Amazon S3 and Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth, among others. -
How BMW Group uses AWS serverless analytics for a data-driven ecosystem
Data drives BMW’s personalized customer experiences, connected mobility solutions, and analytical insights. This session walks through the journey of building BMW Group’s Cloud Data Hub. BMW Group’s technical lead, Simon Kern, dives deep into how the company is leveraging AWS serverless capabilities for delivering ETL functions on big data in a modularized, accessible, and repeatable fashion and provides insight into the next steps of the journey. The services used in BMW Group’s AWS architecture are discussed, including AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, Amazon SageMaker, and more.
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