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Topics: Generative AI in Education

AWS Innovation with Instructure

October 2023

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About the Episode 

Instructure, an education technology company that is on a simple yet powerful mission: to elevate student success, amplify the power of teaching, and inspire everyone to learn together.

Joining us on this journey are Zach Pendleton, Chief Architect at Instructure, Katie Standish Sr. Program Manager at AWS, and Gianluca Bertelli Sr. Prototyping Engineer at AWS. Our host Sara Armstrong delves into Instructure's collaborative effort with AWS Prototyping, as well as their cloud architecture that leverages the transformative capabilities of Generative AI and the efficiency of serverless technologies. This architecture is designed to simplify the complex process of generating instructional content, benefitting educators and students on a global scale.

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    AWS Innovation with Instructure

    Guest Speakers

    Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot
    Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot

    Zach Pendleton

    Chief Architect at Instructure

    Katie Standish's Headshot
    Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot

    Katie Standish

    Sr. Program Manager at AWS

    Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot
    Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot

    Gianluca Bertelli

    Sr. Prototyping Engineer at AWS


    00:04: Introduction
    00:35: Overview of Instructure's Mission and Collaboration with AWS Prototyping Team
    01:12: Introduction to Zach Pendleton and Overview of Instructure
    02:32: Instructure's Interest in Generative AI and Collaboration with AWS to Ensure Data Privacy

    03:45: AWS Prototyping Approach and Automation of Common Tasks for Educators
    06:56: Integration of Generative AI Tools into Instructure's Workflows and Ensuring Scalability
    10:28: Collaboration Between Instructure's Development Team and AWS Engineering Team
    13:37: Overcoming Challenges, Demonstration at InstructureCon, and Future Steps for Instructure

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    About This is My Architecture

    'This is My Architecture' is a video series that showcases innovative architectural solutions on the AWS Cloud by customers and partners. Each episode examines the most interesting and technically creative elements of each cloud architecture.

    AWS Conversations with Leaders

    Hear from business executives across industries in conversation with AWS Enterprise Strategists and other AWS leaders as they share personal insights on cloud transformation, inspiring innovation, and leading teams.

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