
Thank you for signing up with AWS.

We are activating your account, which should take a few minutes. You will receive an email when this is complete.

As an additional step, tell us more about yourself

We would love to learn more about your preferences so that we can provide recommendations catered to your role and interests.

  • Select
  • Academic / Researcher
  • Application Architect
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Executive / Manager
  • Entrepreneur
  • Hobbyist
  • IT Administrator
  • IT Executive / Manager
  • Software Developer / Engineer
  • Software Development Executive / Manager
  • Student
  • Systems Administrator
  • Support
  • Select
  • AI & Machine Learning
  • Big Data and Analytics
  • Content Delivery
  • Enterprise Applications
  • DevOps
  • Gaming
  • Internet of Things
  • Learning & Certification
  • Migration
  • Mobile Applications
  • Storage
  • Websites and Web Apps
  • Other

Thank you!

Getting Started using AWS Free Tier

Learn the fundamentals and start building on AWS now.

Get to know the AWS Cloud

AWS fundamentals you need to know before launching your first application.

Watch AWS Intro Video

Learn about app development on AWS and the developer tools available to support you.

Learn Core AWS Concepts

Acquire the knowledge you need to easily navigate the AWS Cloud.

Launch Your First Application

Select a learning path for step-by-step tutorials to get you up and running in less than an hour.

Full-Stack Developer

Launch a web app and connect it to a backend.

DevOps Engineer

Create a simple continuous delivery pipeline.

Embedded Analytics Dev

Embed analytics dashboard.

Front End Developer

Deploy and host a full-stack React web app.

AI App Developer

Analyze sentiment in text.

Database Administrator

Migrate your database workloads.

Hobbyist Developer

Build and scale a WordPress website.

Data Scientist

Build, train, and deploy ML models.

Dive Deeper

Comprehensive resources to get the most out of the AWS Cloud.


Learn what databases are and how to choose the right ones for your use cases and access patterns.

Machine Learning

Learn how to add intelligence to your applications and train ML models.


Learn to build and run applications and backend services without thinking about servers.


Learn about compute services to develop, deploy, run, and scale your applications.


Learn what containers are and how to choose the right one for your use cases.


Learn how to reliably, scalably, and securely store your application's data in the cloud.