Amazon Route 53 Resolver

Resolve Domain Name System (DNS) queries in hybrid cloud environments


How it works

Amazon Route 53 Resolver provides a robust toolset for DNS query resolution across AWS, the internet, and on-premises networks with secure control over your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) DNS. Queries that are forwarded to the Route 53 Resolver are evaluated through your configured forwarding rules and through system rules. If the query name matches a forwarding rule, the Route 53 Resolver uses a Resolver Outbound Endpoint to forward the query to on-premises DNS servers. If the query name matches a system rule, the Route 53 Resolver will forward the query to be answered based on Route 53 private hosted zone records, the local VPC domain names for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, or lookups against public name servers on the internet.

Use cases

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