適用於非營利組織的 AWS


立即註冊:2025 年 3 月 26 日 | 適用於非營利組織的 AWS Imagine 會議 | 了解有目的的科技應用如何提高社會和環境影響

在 re:Invent 2024 進一步了解 AWS 非盈利組織雲端方案 | 立即註冊

非營利組織都在使用 AWS 雲端解決全球最急迫的問題

各規模的非營利組織都在使用 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 來提高支援能量、擴大意識,並提升地方社群和全球的影響力。AWS 致力於讓每個人有機會在健康的地球上過著有尊嚴的生活。無論您想透過受管資料庫和分析工具來產生捐助者、組織成員或志工的洞察資料、透過機器學習和 AI 加速研究腳步、透過可擴展網站和應用程式改善計畫交付,或甚至才剛起步,AWS 都能為您提供協助。


Alex 的檸檬水攤位和 Keyrus 在 AWS 上擴大癌症研究範圍

了解 ALSF 如何與 Keyrus 合作建置 OpenScPCA,這是 AWS 支援的協作平台,透過為全球科學家提供更快速的資料存取和分析來加速兒童癌症研究。



AWS 非營利生成式 AI 週

AWS 隨需非營利生成式 AI 週

觀看我們隨需舉辦的 AWS 非營利生成式 AI 週,了解如何為您的非營利組織中利用生成式 AI 的價值。
適用於非營利組織的 AWS Imagine

適用於非營利組織的 AWS Imagine

於 2025 年 3 月 26 日加入 AWS Imagine for Nonprofits,使命導向的領導者和科技創新者在此盛會齊聚一堂,加速實現社會影響力。了解雲端運算和 AI 如何擴大非營利組織的使命,以推動正面改變並激勵行動,造福全球社區。



領先的非營利組織已經在使用 AWS。聯絡我們的專家,立即開始 AWS 雲端之旅。

適用於非營利組織的 AWS


AWS 舉辦各種線上和現場活動,讓雲端運算社群的成員聚集在一起,與 AWS 專家交流、協作及學習。
Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 193
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  • Webinars

    On Demand

    AWS Immersion Workshop on Security

    For EdTech and GovTech
    This on-demand session will enable customers to choose the right tool for the job to meet security and regulatory requirements. In addition, AWS solutions architects will review the latest security features announced during AWS re:Invent 2022.
    On Demand
    United States
  • Webinars

    On Demand

    AWS Immersion Workshop on Compliance

    For EdTech and GovTech
    In this on-demand session, attendees will learn how AWS services and telemetry data can automate control assurance and risk management. Attendees will learn basic skills for implementing automated detective, corrective, and preventive controls on AWS and discover where to find AWS compliance reports to meet compliance requirements.
    On Demand
    United States
  • Webinars

    On Demand Event

    Data Strategy for AI in Federal Government

    An AWS Learning Day
    Explore the event that brought together federal government leaders, partners, and leaders AWS strategists in DC to discuss how agencies can harness the power of data. Learn AI best practices and discover AWS Partners to help you meet your mission. Access on-demand videos and the presentations from the day.
    On Demand
  • Webinars

    Virtual Event

    Learn how to modernize applications with generative AI, containers, and serverless

    Fireside chat & Techtalk with demo

    Explore the latest advancements in cloud technologies for the public sector. AWS Experts will share insights on leveraging generative AI, containers, and serverless solutions to modernize enterprise applications like SAP and Microsoft workloads. Gain valuable knowledge through fireside chats and hands-on workshops, covering topics such as: adopting generative AI, implementing containers and serverless architectures securely, and creating generative AI workflows.

    Gain valuable knowledge through fireside chats and hands-on workshops, covering topics such as: adopting generative AI, implementing containers and serverless architectures securely, and creating generative AI workflows.

    Oct 29
    United States
1 49


探索非盈利組織如何利用 AWS 雲端徹底變革其使命和影響力
