AWS Big Data Blog

How Swisscom automated Amazon Redshift as part of their One Data Platform solution using AWS CDK – Part 1

Swisscom is a leading telecommunications provider in Switzerland. Swisscom’s Data, Analytics, and AI division is building a One Data Platform (ODP) solution that will enable every Swisscom employee, process, and product to benefit from the massive value of Swisscom’s data.

In a two-part series, we talk about Swisscom’s journey of automating Amazon Redshift provisioning as part of the Swisscom ODP solution using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), and we provide code snippets and the other useful references.

In this post, we deep dive into provisioning a secure and compliant Redshift cluster using the AWS CDK and discuss the best practices of secret rotation. We also explain how Swisscom used AWS CDK custom resources in automating the creation of dynamic user groups that are relevant for the AWS Identity and Access management (IAM) roles matching different job functions.

In Part 2 of this series, we explore using the AWS CDK and some of the key topics for self-service usage of the provisioned Redshift cluster by end-users as well as other managed services and applications. These topics include federation with the Swisscom identity provider (IdP), JDBC connections, detective controls using AWS Config rules and remediation actions, cost optimization using the Redshift scheduler, and audit logging.

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, fully managed, and petabyte scale data warehousing service empowering organizations and users to analyze massive volumes of data using standard SQL tools. Amazon Redshift benefits from seamless integration with many AWS services, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), IAM, and AWS Lake Formation, to name a few.

The AWS CDK helps you build reliable, scalable, and cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language. The AWS CDK supports TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#/.Net, and Go. Developers can use one of these supported programming languages to define reusable cloud components known as constructs. A data product owner in Swisscom can use the ODP AWS CDK libraries with a simple config file to provision ready-to-use infrastructure, such as S3 buckets; AWS Glue ETL (extract, transform, and load) jobs, Data Catalog databases, and crawlers; Redshift clusters; JDBC connections; and more, with all the needed permissions in just a few minutes.

One Data Platform

The ODP architecture is based on the AWS Well Architected Framework Analytics Lens and follows the pattern of having raw, standardized, conformed, and enriched layers as described in Modern data architecture. By using infrastructure as code (IaC) tools, ODP enables self-service data access with unified data management, metadata management (data catalog), and standard interfaces for analytics tools with a high degree of automation by providing the infrastructure, integrations, and compliance measures out of the box. At the same time, the ODP will also be continuously evolving and adapting to the constant stream of new additional features being added to the AWS analytics services. The following high-level architecture diagram shows ODP with different layers of the modern data architecture. In this series, we specifically discuss the components specific to Amazon Redshift (highlighted in red).

Harnessing Amazon Redshift for ODP

A pivotal decision in the data warehousing migration process involves evaluating the extent of a lift-and-shift approach vs. re-architecture. Balancing system performance, scalability, and cost while taking into account the rigid system pieces requires a strategic solution. In this context, Amazon Redshift has stood out as a cloud-centered data warehousing solution, especially with its straightforward and seamless integration into the modern data architecture. Its straightforward integration and fluid compatibility with AWS services like Amazon QuickSight, Amazon SageMaker, and Lake Formation further solidifies its choice for forward-thinking data warehousing strategies. As a columnar database, it’s particularly well suited for consumer-oriented data products. Consequently, Swisscom chose to provide a solution wherein use case-specific Redshift clusters are provisioned using IaC, specifically using the AWS CDK.

A crucial aspect of Swisscom’s strategy is the integration of these data domain and use case-oriented individual clusters into a virtually single and unified data environment, making sure that data ingestion, transformation, and eventual data product sharing remains convenient and seamless. This is achieved by custom provisioning of the Redshift clusters based on user or use case needs, in a shared virtual private cloud (VPC), with data and system governance policies and remediation, IdP federation, and Lake Formation integration already in place.

Although many controls for governance and security were put in place in the AWS CDK construct, Swisscom users also have the flexibility to customize their clusters based on what they need. The cluster configurator allows users to define the cluster characteristics based on individual use case requirements while remaining within the bounds of defined best practices. The key configurable parameters include node types, sizing, subnet types for routing based on different security policies per user case, enabling scheduler, integration with IdP setup, and any additional post-provisioning setup, like the creation of specific schemas and group-level access on it. This flexibility in configuration is achieved for the Amazon Redshift AWS CDK construct through a Python data class, which serves as a template for users to specify aspects like subnet types, scheduler cron expressions, and specific security groups for the cluster, among other configurations. Users are also able to select the type of subnets (routable-private or non-routable-private) to adhere to network security policies and architectural standards. See the following data class options:

class RedShiftOptions:
    node_type: NodeType
    number_of_nodes: int
    vpc_id: str
    security_group_id: Optional[str]
    subnet_type: SubnetType
    use_redshift_scheduler: bool
    scheduler_pause_cron: str
    scheduler_resume_cron: str
    maintenance_window: str
    # Additional configuration options ...

The separation of configuration in the RedShiftOptions data class from the cluster provisioning logic in the RedShiftCluster AWS CDK construct is in line with AWS CDK best practices, wherein both constructs and stacks should accept a property object to allow for full configurability completely in code. This separates the concerns of configuration and resource creation, enhancing the readability and maintainability. The data class structure reflects the user configuration from a configuration file, making it straightforward for users to specify their requirements. The following code shows what the configuration file for the Redshift construct looks like:

# ===============================
# Amazon Redshift Options
# ===============================
# The enriched layer is based on Amazon Redshift.
# This section has properties for Amazon Redshift.
  provision_cluster: true                                     # Skip provisioning Amazon Redshift in enriched layer (required)
  number_of_nodes: 2                                          # Number of nodes for redshift cluster to provision (optional) (default = 2)
  node_type: "ra3.xlplus"                                     # Type of the cluster nodes (optional) (default = "ra3.xlplus")
  use_scheduler: true                                        # Whether to use the Amazon Redshift scheduler (optional)
  scheduler_pause_cron: "cron(00 18 ? * MON-FRI *)"           # Cron expression for scheduler pause (optional)
  scheduler_resume_cron: "cron(00 08 ? * MON-FRI *)"          # Cron expression for scheduler resume (optional)
  maintenance_window: "sun:23:45-mon:00:15"                   # Maintenance window for Amazon Redshift (optional)
  subnet_type: "routable-private"                             # 'routable-private' OR 'non-routable-private' (optional)
  security_group_id: "sg-test-redshift"                       # Security group ID for Amazon Redshift (optional) (reference must exist)
  user_groups:                                                # User groups and their privileges on default DB
    - group_name: dba
      access: [ 'ALL' ]
    - group_name: data_engineer
      access: [ 'SELECT' , 'INSERT' , 'UPDATE' , 'DELETE' , 'TRUNCATE' ]
    - group_name: qa_engineer
      access: [ 'SELECT' ]
  integrate_all_groups_with_idp: false

Admin user secret rotation

As part of the cluster deployment, an admin user is created with its credentials stored in AWS Secrets Manager for database management. This admin user is used for automating several setup operations, such as the setup of database schemas and integration with Lake Formation. For the admin user, as well as other users created for Amazon Redshift, Swisscom used AWS KMS for encryption of the secrets associated with cluster users. The use of Secrets Manager made it simple to adhere to IAM security best practices by supporting the automatic rotation of credentials. Such a setup can be quickly implemented on the AWS Management Console or may be integrated in AWS CDK code with friendly methods in the aws_redshift_alpha module. This module provides higher-level constructs (specifically, Layer 2 constructs), including convenience and helper methods, as well as sensible default values. This module is experimental and under active development and may have changes that aren’t backward compatible. See the following admin user code:

admin_secret_kms_key_options = KmsKeyOptions(
admin_secret_kms_key = aws_kms.Key(
    scope, 'AdminSecretKmsKey,
    # ...

# ...

cluster = aws_redshift_alpha.Cluster(
            scope, cluster_identifier,
            # ...
            # ...

See the following code for secret rotation:


Methods such as add_rotation_single_user internally rely on a serverless application hosted in the AWS Serverless Application Model repository, which may be in a different AWS Region outside of the organization’s permission boundary. To effectively use such functions, make sure access to this serverless repository within the organization’s service control policies. If the access is not feasible, consider implementing solutions such as custom AWS Lambda functions replicating these functionalities (within your organization’s permission boundary).

AWS CDK custom resource

A key challenge Swisscom faced was automating the creation of dynamic user groups tied to specific IAM roles at deployment time. As an initial and simple solution, Swisscom’s approach was creating an AWS CDK custom resource using the admin user to submit and run SQL statements. This allowed Swisscom to embed the logic for the database schema, user group assignments, and Lake Formation-specific configurations directly within AWS CDK code, making sure that these crucial steps are automatically handled during cluster deployment. See the following code:

sql = get_rendered_stacked_sqls()

custom_resources.AwsCustomResource(scope, 'RedshiftSQLCustomResource',
                                                   'ClusterIdentifier': cluster_identifier,
                                                   'SecretArn': secret_arn,
                                                   'Database': database_name,
                                                   'Sql': f'{sqls}',


This method of dynamic SQL, embedded within the AWS CDK code, provides a unified deployment and post-setup of the Redshift cluster in a convenient manner. Although this approach unifies the deployment and post-provisioning configuration with SQL-based operations, it remains an initial strategy. It is tailored for convenience and efficiency in the current context. As ODP further evolves, Swisscom will iterate this solution to streamline SQL operations during cluster provisioning. Swisscom remains open to integrating external schema management tools or similar approaches where they add value.

Another aspect of Swisscom’s architecture is the dynamic creation of IAM roles tailored for the user groups for different job functions within the Amazon Redshift environment. This IAM role generation is also driven by the user configuration, acting as a blueprint for dynamically defining user role to policy mappings. This allowed them to quickly adapt to evolving requirements. The following code illustrates the role assignment:

policy_mappings = {
    "role1": ["Policy1", "Policy2"],
    "role2": ["Policy3", "Policy4"],
    # Example:
    # "dba-role": ["AmazonRedshiftFullAccess", "CloudWatchFullAccess"],
    # ...

def create_redshift_role(role_name, policy_list):
   # Implementation to create Redshift role with provided policies

redshift_role_1 = create_redshift_role(
    data_product_name, "role1", policy_names=policy_mappings["role1"])
redshift_role_1 = create_redshift_role(
    data_product_name, "role1", policy_names=policy_mappings["role1"])
# Example:
# redshift_dba_role = create_redshift_role(
#   data_product_name, "dba-role", policy_names=policy_mappings["dba-role"])


Swisscom is building its data-as-a-service platform, and Amazon Redshift has a crucial role as part of the solution. In this post, we discussed the aspects that need to be covered in your IaC best practices to deploy secure and maintainable Redshift clusters using the AWS CDK. Although Amazon Redshift supports industry-leading security, there are aspects organizations need to adjust to their specific requirements. It is therefore important to define the configurations and best practices that are right for your organization and bring it to your IaC to make it available for your end consumers.

We also discussed how to provision a secure and compliant Redshift cluster using the AWS CDK and deal with the best practices of secret rotation. We also showed how to use AWS CDK custom resources in automating the creation of dynamic user groups that are relevant for the IAM roles matching different job functions.

In Part 2 of this series, we will delve into enhancing self-service capabilities for end-users. We will cover topics like integration with the Swisscom IdP, setting up JDBC connections, and implementing detective controls and remediation actions, among others.

The code snippets in this post are provided as is and will need to be adapted to your specific use cases. Before you get started, we highly recommend speaking to an Amazon Redshift specialist.

About the Authors

Asad bin Imtiaz is an Expert Data Engineer at Swisscom, with over 17 years of experience in architecting and implementing enterprise-level data solutions.

Jesús Montelongo Hernández is an Expert Cloud Data Engineer at Swisscom. He has over 20 years of experience in IT systems, data warehousing, and data engineering.

Samuel Bucheli is a Lead Cloud Architect at Zühlke Engineering AG. He has over 20 years of experience in software engineering, software architecture, and cloud architecture.

Srikanth Potu is a Senior Consultant in EMEA, part of the Professional Services organization at Amazon Web Services. He has over 25 years of experience in Enterprise data architecture, databases and data warehousing.