AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Amazon API Gateway

Configuring machine to machine Authentication with Amazon Cognito and Amazon API Gateway – Part 1

Introduction When we think about modernization, we’re used to think about the process of breaking down a monolithic application, or moving to a microservices architecture. But let’s think for a moment on the business side. For example, think about the challenges and risks involved in moving information over phone calls or emails. We want to […]

How Hapag-Lloyd established observability for serverless multi-account workloads

This post is co-authored by Grzegorz Kaczor from Hapag-Lloyd AG and Michael Graumann and Daniel Moser from AWS. Introduction Establishing observability over the state, performance, health, and security posture of applications is key to successfully operating multi-account workloads in the cloud. As the number and size of workloads increases, finding and correlating all available information […]

Managing cross-Region reports for AWS Marketplace and AWS Service Catalog resources

Organizations have many business reasons to track resource usage across their AWS environments. For example, management and administrative teams want to track operation expenditure, license governance, and asset tracking for their AWS Marketplace solutions across Regions currently in use. A centralized reporting dashboard allows the teams to access this information quickly and efficiently. This post […]

¬Field Notes: Cross-account deployments in an AWS Control Tower environment

Field Notes: Cross-account deployments in an AWS Control Tower environment

AWS Control Tower helps customers put an orchestration layer on top of a multi-account strategy. When customers build applications, they often use separate accounts as part of a deployment pipeline so that they can validate changes before production. This best practice helps reduce blast radius should there be any issues with newer iterations. With AWS […]

Monitor API Gateway endpoints with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics

Monitoring the health of your API endpoints is important to understand the overall health of your workloads. You can use Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics to monitor your API endpoints and understand the overall health of your workloads. CloudWatch Synthetics canaries allow you to monitor API endpoints by creating HTTP steps and configuring the request type, endpoint URL, […]

Migrating to Amazon API Gateway: A Datalex success story

Datalex is an industry leader of omni-channel retail solutions for airlines around the world. The Datalex product portfolio supports end-to-end retail capabilities that include pricing, shopping, and order management. This year, Datalex’s multi-year deal with their API provider was up for renewal. As part of a best practice review, they considered other options. When the […]

The document management system includes KMS, Amazon Cognito identity pool, and a document bucket. Internal and external users are authenticated through a process that uses API Gateway and the identity pool. The Lambda function runs inside the VPC.

Mphasis rearchitects a legacy application to a serverless cloud-native architecture on AWS

Mphasis thrives on business agility and resilience. Its internal operations, especially the core development processes and supporting functions such as sales, client servicing, finance, and administration, are fueled by multiple in-house business applications. For a company to showcase its digital prowess, empower its workforce to innovate, and stay at the cutting edge of technology, these […]

Distributed Tracing using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

More and more applications are being developed using serverless architectures with multiple microservices. Customers use managed AWS services including AWS Lambda, Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and AWS Fargate for running their code along with services like Amazon API Gateway, Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, and others. Developers use multiple […]

Instantly monitor serverless applications with AWS Resource Groups

Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications without thinking about servers. Building serverless applications means that your developers can focus on their core product instead of worrying about managing and operating servers. This reduced overhead lets developers reclaim time and energy that can be spent on developing great products that scale and are reliable. […]

Secure Serverless Development Using AWS Service Catalog

Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications and services without having to manage servers. AWS Service Catalog allows you to create and manage catalogs of services that are approved for use on AWS. Combining Serverless and Service Catalog together is a great way to safely allow developers to create products and services in […]