AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Category: Learning Levels

Serverless Governance of Software Deployed with AWS Service Catalog

AWS Service Catalog (Service Catalog) is a powerful tool that empowers organizations to manage and govern approved services and resources. It significantly benefits platform engineering by standardizing environments, accelerating service delivery, and enhancing security. With its automated provisioning and resource management, Service Catalog supports infrastructure as code, enabling scalable, reliable deployments. Platform engineering teams are […]

Assess Resilience at Scale by using Amazon QuickSight and Amazon Resilience Hub

AWS Resilience Hub helps you to manage and improve the resilience posture of your applications on AWS. It enables you to define your resilience goals, assess your resilience posture against those goals, and implement recommendations for improvement based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework. This benefits individual teams that want to assess their applications. However, for […]

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How to perform Failover and Failback using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) between VMware and AWS environments

Enterprises face a variety of threats such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks and technology failures that could severely disrupt operations. A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is crucial to quickly respond and recover from these events. In this blog post, we’ll show how to plan and implement a comprehensive disaster recovery solution between your VMware on-premises environment […]

Protect your AWS resources from unauthorized access using AWS Organizations integrations

In today’s digital landscape, customers have complex and distributed workloads running on AWS, involving a large number of AWS resources across multiple services. Tackling security risks across numerous resources can seem daunting, but with the right approach following best practices, can be addressed in a timely manner. AWS offers tools and services designed to help […]

Getting started with myApplications for Terraform-managed applications

AWS customers often operate hundreds of applications and have to monitor and manage individual resources to make sure their applications are available, secure, cost-optimized, and performing optimally. In this blog post, we will walk through how to use Terraform to create an application for use with myApplications, add resources to new and existing applications, and strategies for scaling application management using Terraform.

Configuring machine to machine Authentication with Amazon Cognito and Amazon API Gateway - Part 2

Configuring machine to machine Authentication with Amazon Cognito and Amazon API Gateway – Part 2

This blog is the second part to a 2 part series on how to secure your Amazon API Gateway with Amazon Cognito, in machine to machine (M2M) communication use cases. In the previous blog post, we dove deep into the different use cases involving M2M communication and how it contributes to business modernization, and why […]

Configuring machine to machine Authentication with Amazon Cognito and Amazon API Gateway – Part 1

Introduction When we think about modernization, we’re used to think about the process of breaking down a monolithic application, or moving to a microservices architecture. But let’s think for a moment on the business side. For example, think about the challenges and risks involved in moving information over phone calls or emails. We want to […]

Optimize your cloud deployments with Prioritized Trusted Advisor recommendations in your operational workflows

AWS Trusted Advisor Priority helps you focus on the most important recommendations for optimizing your cloud deployments, improving resilience, and addressing security gaps. As an AWS Enterprise Support customer, you gain access to prioritized and context-driven recommendations, curated both by your AWS account team and machine-generated checks from AWS services. Note: AWS Trusted Advisor Priority […]

Best practices to optimize costs after mergers and acquisitions with AWS Organizations

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) offer organizations the opportunity to scale operations, diversify product lines, and capture new markets. However, they come with a set of challenges, such as the nuances of integrating legacy IT systems, complying with stringent regulations, and maintaining business continuity, etc. Eliminating the redundancy of resources and optimizing processes to bring consistency […]

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

With numerous AWS accounts in an organization, receiving an external security finding like a vulnerability assessment or pen test report impacting multiple resources can be challenging. Without a centralized resource viewing and search capability, identifying the affected resources require switching and inspecting each account individually, which is time-consuming and inefficient. Security vulnerabilities are time-sensitive, and […]