Amazon EC2 T4g Instances

Best price performance for burstable general purpose workloads in Amazon EC2

Why Amazon EC2 T4g Instances?

Amazon EC2 T4g instances are powered by Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processors. T4g instances are the next generation low cost burstable general purpose instance type that provide a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst CPU usage at any time for as long as required. They deliver up to 40% better price performance over T3 instances and are ideal for running applications with moderate CPU usage that experience temporary spikes in usage.

T4g instances offer a balance of compute, memory, and network resources for a broad spectrum of general purpose workloads including large scale micro-services, small and medium databases, virtual desktops, and business-critical applications. Developers can also use these instances to run code repositories and build Arm-based applications natively in the cloud, eliminating the need for cross-compilation and emulation, and improving time to market.

Try Amazon EC2 T4g Instances Today

Free Trial: Try Amazon EC2 t4g.small instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors free for up to 750 hours / month until Dec 31st 2025. Refer to the FAQ for additional details.



Product Details

Instance Size vCPU Memory (GiB) Baseline Performance / vCPU CPU Credits Earned / Hr Network Burst Bandwidth (Gbps) EBS Burst Bandwidth (Mbps)
t4g.nano 2 0.5 5% 6 Up to 5 Up to 2,085
t4g.micro 2 1 10% 12 Up to 5 Up to 2,085
t4g.small 2 2 20% 24 Up to 5 Up to 2,085
t4g.medium 2 4 20% 24 Up to 5 Up to 2,085
t4g.large 2 8 30% 36 Up to 5 Up to 2,780
t4g.xlarge 4 16 40% 96 Up to 5 Up to 2,780
t4g.2xlarge 8 32 40% 192 Up to 5 Up to 2,780