Centre pour développeurs AWS

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Événements pour développeurs AWS à venir

Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 9
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Aucun événement trouvé correspondant à ces critères.
  • In-person Event

    AWS Community Day

    Milan, Italy

    AWS Community Day Italy, in its 3rd edition, is Italy’s premier cloud computing conference bringing together AWS experts and professionals. The event features multiple technical sessions across 2 specialized tracks, with keynotes from industry leaders and a dedicated area for AWS BuilderCards activities. Building on last year’s success of over 200 attendees, the conference delivers deep technical content, real-world case studies, and insights into cloud computing, AI, machine learning, and serverless architectures, while offering valuable networking opportunities within Italy’s growing AWS community.

    Learn more »

    2-Apr-25 | 1 session
  • In-person Event

    AWS Community Day

    Bay Area - Security Edition

    This is the tenth annual AWS Community Day in the San Francisco Bay Area. Come and enjoy several technical talks, GameDay, and best of all networking with other practitioners - all for free.

    Learn more »

    04-Apr-25 | 1 session
  • In-person Event

    AWS Community Day

    Timișoara, Romania

    Join us for a one day technical event loaded with exciting talks and networking opportunities. AWS Community Day Romania is aimed at developers, platform people and other IT professionals interested in cloud native technonologies. This community event is supported by all AWS Usergroups from Romania.

    Learn more »

    10-Apr-25 | 1 session
  • In-person Event

    AWS Community Day

    Prague, Czeh Republic

    AWS Community Day events are community-led conferences where event logistics and content is planned, sourced, and delivered by community leaders. In many ways they are events put on "by the community, for the community."

    Learn more »

    29-Apr-25 | 1 session
Découvrir plus d'événements à venir »

Explorer ce qui est possible

Découvrez de nombreuses manières d'étendre les capacités de votre application.

Connectez vos données

Choisissez la bonne base de données pour stocker vos données
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Machine Learning

Services d'IA et de ML

Intégrez des services d'IA et de ML dans votre application
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Conseils d'architecture pour les conteneurs

Découvrez les meilleures pratiques pour déployer et gérer vos conteneurs sur AWS
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Infrastructure as Code

Définissez votre infrastructure cloud à l'aide de langages de programmation courants
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Livraison continue

Créez, intégrez et livrez de manière continue avec un pipeline de bout en bout
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Surveillance & journalisation

Observabilité de vos ressources et applications AWS
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