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JavaScript sur AWS

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Chandrashekar Vishweshwara, Moshe Abramovitch, 04/12/2024Using Buy with AWS, customers can now quickly discover and procure software listings available in AWS Marketplace through seller websites.
Michael Tran, Alain Krok, Dinesh Sajwan, 29/10/2024We will be highlighting Projen’s powerful features that cater to various aspects of project management and development. We’ll examine how Projen enhances polyglot programming within Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Development Kit constructs. We’ll also touch on its built-in support for common development tools and practices. In our previous blog, we introduced you to the [...]
pdeeksh, 17/09/2024This post will teach you to create a React Native chat application using Amazon Bedrock to build AI-powered chat features. The sample application includes the following: A mobile application using custom JSX components for the user interface. Seamless end-user chat interactions integrated with Amazon Bedrock foundational models. Backend development powered by AWS Amplify Gen2. Implementation [...]
Harshita Daddala, 22/08/2024You can now configure and manage multiple buckets using AWS Amplify for your storage needs! Developers can now leverage Amplify storage to organize and manage their content across single or multiple storage buckets while applying granular access rules against individual paths within each bucket. Earlier this year, we announced the new and improved Amplify storage [...]
Bibliothèques JavaScript pour AWS Amplify
Démarrez la création d'applications mobiles et Web évolutives en les associant à votre cadre JavaScript préféré. Intégrations Web disponibles pour React, Angular, Vue, Next.js ainsi que des cadres mobiles tels qu'Android, iOS, Iconic et Flutter.
Créer une application web sans serveur
Tutoriel pratique pour créer une application web à l'aide de AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Amplify, Amazon DynamoDB et Amazon Cognito.
Déployer une application web
Choisissez la bonne infrastructure et démarrez la création d'une application web sur AWS. Apprenez à choisir le bon service répondant à vos besoins.