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If you are a senior leader within a software company you might be facing different challenges to those you had a few years ago. Competition is increasingly fierce for software businesses. It’s hard to keep pace with customer and employee expectations in an ever-changing world.

Customers want control and subscription-based software provides this, along with predictability and efficient IT overhead costs. Meanwhile, employees seek to use the latest technology and upskill their capabilities. Don’t get left behind: get ahead instead.

Download our latest eBook, “Building Business with a SaaS Strategy,” to learn how cloud migration accelerates innovation and amplifies competitiveness by exceeding customer and employee expectations.

Innovation differentiates software companies and enables increasing customer expectations to be met. Addressing market challenges requires:

  • Rapid introduction of new functionality to products
  • Delivery of features focused on customer needs and ability to flex capabilities according to demand
  • Increasing satisfaction and retention

As a product manager, you need to be agile, flexible, and disruptive: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offers a solution. With AWS, you get support to evolve quickly and reap the rewards. We offer a suite of tools and programs for software businesses to accelerate SaaS integration.
Learn how working with AWS enhances product development and exceeds customer expectations. Download our eBook now.



AWS works with thousands of software companies worldwide by migrating applications to the cloud. It doesn’t matter what shape or size the company is—we can support  development teams overcome key challenges:

  • Roadmap delivery: enhance your technical proposition and complete product roadmap commitments. 
  • Operational quality and efficiency: simplify and optimize your transition to an “as-a-Service” delivery model guided by our expert Solutions Architects.
  • Future-proofing products: gain predefined services and composable apps to drive efficiency, securing developers' freedom to build a more robust product.

Download our latest eBook and learn why our software company migration solutions are essential to product innovation, growth, and operational sustainability.

Product Management

Innovation differentiates software companies and enables increasing customer expectations to be met. Addressing market challenges requires: 

  • Rapid introduction of new functionality to products
  • Delivery of features focused on customer needs and ability to flex capabilities according to demand
  • Increasing satisfaction and retention

As a product manager, you need to be agile, flexible, and disruptive: (SaaS) offers a solution. With AWS, you get support to evolve quickly and reap the rewards. We offer a suite of tools and programs for software businesses to accelerate SaaS integration. 

Learn how working with AWS enhances product development and exceeds customer expectations. Download our eBook now.



As a sales leader, you are the first to feel the pain of losing customers and deals to competitors—often because competitors can offer a SaaS solution.

A move to cloud and SaaS fulfills customers’ interest in consumption-based spend and it provides you with an opportunity for worldwide expansion—and a faster time to market.

Choose a cloud provider that you can rely on to aid not only your business, but also your sales teams through the transition. As a sales leader, your role will be transformed with new pricing models and sales processes. AWS offers the opportunity to co-sell and capitalize on the cloud opportunity for sales teams in software companies. Discover how in our eBook.


Consumption-based spending enables your software company’s IT team to reduce the risk of expensive overhead.

By moving your software to the cloud and a SaaS delivery model, you can become truly agile, with optimized costs and accelerated revenue streams. Not only does this mean you keep up with customer demands, you also lead your business to long-term agility and innovative benefits.

In our eBook, discover how to gain a disruptive offering, move to a future-first finance model, and potentially exceed the expectations of customers and industry peers.

Get started

Software companies of all types and sizes rely on AWS. Contact our experts and start your own AWS Cloud journey today