Note: The Kubernetes resources on this page have been superseded by Amazon EKS Blueprints. After March 31, 2023, these resources will no longer be supported or maintained. Existing deployments will continue to run. You may still deploy these resources, but no new features will be considered and any associated code will be modified only to address critical security events. We recommend that you migrate EKS workloads to either Amazon EKS Blueprints for CDK or Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform.
AWS CloudFormation Resource Types for Kubernetes
Building blocks for AWS CloudFormation
The resource types on this page enable customers to use standard templates to extend the capabilities of Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFormation. Customers can use these resource types to manage and deploy their applications in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters by declaring Kubernetes YAML manifests and helm charts.
Amazon EKS Cluster
This resource type provides additional functionality, as compared to the default Amazon EKS cluster resource type, by enabling the management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) cluster authentication, private endpoints, cluster logging, and tagging.
Kubernetes Helm
This resource type adds support for helm charts to AWS CloudFormation. Customers can specify a helm chart that is hosted in a public or private Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and pass custom values to it during install and update operations.
Kubernetes Resource
This resource type provides support for managing resources that are declared as standard Kubernetes YAML manifests. It provides stabilization for Kubernetes Jobs so that authors of AWS CloudFormation templates can set a desired state to be reached or complete required configuration tasks before other resources are created.
Kubernetes Get
This resource type does not create any Kubernetes resources. Instead, customers can use the JSONPath syntax to query Kubernetes for the value of a resource property. A common use case for this is fetching the hostname of a load-balanced environment.
Note: The Activate resource type links specify the US East (N. Virginia) Region. To activate a resource type in a different Region, change the Region before choosing Activate.
You are responsible for the cost of AWS services and any third-party licenses used while using the AWS CloudFormation resource types. For cost estimates, see the pricing pages for each AWS service you use. Prices are subject to change.
These resource types were developed AWS.