
GreenCityZen: 100% growth per year on a robust cloud architecture at AWS


GreenCityZen makes its environmental IoT solution available to local authorities and operators of water and sanitation networks with the goal of driving sustainable management of water resources.

This young startup, certified by the French Ministry for the Environment, offers, in particular, intelligent irrigation solutions for green spaces. Watering is governed by the plants’ needs, measured by sensors at their roots. Water savings are considerable, often of the order of 50 to 60% in regions as varied as Tuscany (Florence), Paris, Marseille, Lyon and Bordeaux.

Working with the UNHCR (UN), the solutions deployed by GreenCityZen in 15 countries also facilitate access to drinking water in refugee camps.

Finally, GreenCityZen also provides solutions to allow storm system operators to detect waste in bottlenecks (drains) and thus collect it more efficiently so they can take action in the right place, at the right time (productivity and pollution reduction).

From sensors to dashboard, we offer a complete technological solution based on the collection, storage and processing of data. That's why the choice of cloud partner was a strategic one for GreenCityZen.”
Alexandre Boudonne
Director and co-founder of GreenCityZen

The quest for better cost control with AWS

At the start of the GreenCityZen adventure, the company did not have internal resources dedicated to operating IT systems. However, when launching an ambitious startup, controlling costs in this area is key to testing the viability of the business model.

In 2018, GreenCityZen chose AWS to host its software platform. The team was convinced, in particular, by the provision of easy-to-use tools and high-quality technical support. Alexandre Boudonne highlights the ability of the cloud computing provider to support startups (in particular thanks to AWS Activate) to enable them to develop and accelerate their innovative solution under the best conditions.

Using Saving Plans, a flexible pricing model that offers lower prices in return for a given user commitment, the startup now has total control over its costs, despite strong growth in the use of their services.

Efficient and responsive customer support

The co-founder of GreenCityZen remembers it taking ten months with his previous supplier to resolve a problem involving a database that had begun to overconsume resources, generating a bill of around 10,000 euros. A similar situation has not occurred since the startup joined AWS. He explains to us that, although the workforce has now been strengthened, the technical team sometimes asks for customer support for a technical problem or advice.

“The AWS team is very responsive. Between opening the ticket and resolution by support, our problem is often resolved in less than an hour. In addition, if my services are unavailable, AWS takes care of it. Their support is high quality.”
Alexandre Boudonne, Director and co-founder of GreenCityZen

During the migration to AWS, the startup was supported by technical experts to validate their architecture choices. A database migration is always a delicate process. This is why the GreenCityZen team appreciated this human support.

A set of solutions to support the startup’s scalability

Subsequently, GreenCityZen deployed the solutions it needed for the proper functioning of its platform. The data collected by the sensors arrives on the network. They are stored using our Amazon S3 object storage service with the least amount of processing possible to recover almost all of the flow. They are then processed in Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and finally queried using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). This enables GreenCityZen to offer its customers a dashboard with understandable data, allowing them to make quick decisions based on a snapshot of reality at a given moment.

To facilitate the scalability of their application, the startup uses Elastic Load Balancing and AWS Auto Scaling on some components.

AWS: a strategic contribution

With the support of the AWS teams and the tools provided, GreenCityZen is succeeding in its challenge: to capture reality, help its customers make better decisions, save time and money, and also protect the planet.

The young startup has already achieved the milestone of very large-scale deployments (several thousand sensors), it is now strengthening its international presence: Italy, Spain, Saudi Arabia, but also several countries in Africa and Asia.

Faced with the startup's huge ambitions, Alexandre Boudonne confirms that he is moving forward calmly with a partner like AWS.

About GreenCityZen

GreenCityZen, a pioneering IOT and environmental AI (Artificial Intelligence) eco-startup was created in 2015.

We provide IoT solutions to drive sustainable management of water resources. GreenCityZen's mission is to reimagine technology by making it simple and frugal, to the benefit of the environment.

GreenCityZen has been certified Greentech Verte by the French Ministry for the Environment, and is now included in the mapping of impactful French startups, according to BPI France.

GreenCityZen’s customers include international companies in the water sector (SUEZ, Veolia, SAUR, etc.), local authorities which have adopted a “smart city” approach (Florence, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Cahors, etc.) and the UNHCR (United Nations).

Several thousand sensors and actuators have been deployed around the world in water sector use cases: monitoring sewerage/rain networks and intelligent irrigation.

These lightweight and easy-to-deploy solutions facilitate a significant increase in the number of measurement points and a high return on investment. GreenCityZen products are entirely designed and manufactured in France to ensure high responsiveness to their customers. GreenCityZen is committed to an eco-friendly design approach that has led it to develop technologies to reduce the energy footprint of its sensors and its cloud platform.


  • Infrastructure cost divided by four with twice as many active devices in less than nine months.
  • Problem resolved by customer support in under an hour 

AWS services used

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service which offers industry-leading scalability potential, data availability, security, and performance.

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Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is an easy-to-use, scalable, and high-performance block storage service designed for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

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Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) allows you to easily set up, manage, and scale a relational database in the cloud.

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Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets and virtual appliances in one, or more, Availability Zones (AZs).

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