自建量子電腦外的新選擇!成大善用 Amazon Braket 悠遊不同量子硬體架構,展開研究!
New Option Substituting Proprietary Development of Quantum Computers! National Cheng Kung University Applies Amazon Braket on Different Quantum Hardware Architectures in Research

由左至右為國立成功大學理學院物理學系黃亦得博士候選人、國立成功大學物理系暨前沿量子科技研究中心陳岳男教授、AWS 資深商務拓展經理 Bryan Chu
From left to right: Yi-Te Huang (PhD candidate of NCKU Department of Physics),
Professor Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU Department of Physics and QFort), Bryan Chu (AWS
Business Development Manager).

量子科技與 AI、IoT 並列成為引爆人類第四次工業革命的三大科技,未來量子科技即將改變人類生活,量子科技應用前途各國翹首盼望,先進國家莫不將它列為關鍵的國家發展策略。為了接軌國際研究水準,「成大前沿量子科技研究中心」受到國科會計畫支持,選擇使用 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 的量子雲端服務 Amazon Braket作為主要運算平台,並持續強化從量子理論、材料到量子元件及電腦的整合研究。
因應未來科技布局量子研究,成大 QFort 中心深耕量子理論、元件、材料
國立成功大學物理系暨前沿量子科技研究中心陳岳男教授表示,成大早在 20 年前左右便開始投入量子科技的研究工作,並於 2003 年 11 月成立「量子資訊科學研究中心」,開始招募更多量子相關領域的研究新血,累積更充沛的研究能量。如今,前沿量子科技研究中心成員各擅專長,主要聚焦在「量子理論」、「量子元件與電腦」及「量子材料」三大領域。
Amazon Braket 量子雲端服務,自建量子電腦外的新選擇
現階段實現量子運算的硬體架構十分多元,目前市場上的主流是超導電路(Superconducting Circuits)和離子阱(Ion Trap)技術,其他還包括量子點(Quantum Dot)、光子(Photon)、拓樸量子位元(Topological Qubit)等。目前台灣的研發重點主要在超導電路和光子量子位元上,陳岳男教授經實測表示,離子阱量子位元在降噪、量子關聯性驗證及簡單演算法運行等各方面的表現極為優異。
然而,台灣在量子位元的研發上硬體方面尚無穩定實體量子電腦,因此透過雲端量子服務進行相關量子科技的研發與驗證會是逐步積累實力的最佳可行途徑。透過 Amazon Braket 量子雲端服務,台灣學者完全無須受限於特定量子運算硬體架構便能展開研究,也避免因此延遲了既有的研發腳步,甚至喪失迎頭趕上全球量子發展趨勢的先機。有了成熟的量子理論及基礎研究成果,也能為未來量子硬體的推出與微調奠立厚實基礎,在 Amazon Braket 服務與自身軟硬體研發的相輔相成之下,勢必能再造台灣的量子奇蹟。
Amazon Braket 同時集結支援不同量子運算技術的量子硬體供應商,包括採用超導電路技術的 Rigetti 及牛津量子電路(OQC)、支援離子阱技術的 IonQ、採用中性原子(Neutral-Atom)技術的 QuEra,以及支援光子技術的 Xanadu 等公司。陳岳男教授表示,由於成大擁有自身獨特的量子理論,希望能透過不同的量子運算技術去進行交叉驗證與比對, Amazon Brake支援多種量子運算硬體架構,僅需少量程式碼修改,即可在不同架構中進行比較驗證。
國科會補助計畫,Amazon Braket 成為大專院校學研單位量子實驗平台
今年國科會宣布編列 349 億元,建立八大領域前瞻科技平台,其中一項領域即半導體與量子科技。在國科會強而有力的經費支持下,成大前沿量子科技研究中心於 2021 年 8 月開放第一階段 Amazon Braket 的使用申請,凡具大專院校與研究機助理教授/助理研究員以上身分者皆可申請。整個補助計畫現已歷經兩年,並完成第八階段的開放申請,接下來會再持續 3 年。
目前成大量子中心會使用 Amazon Braket 來進行諸如量子電池及量子熱機等理論的測試驗證,由於 Amazon Braket 是以實際使用時間計費,所以使用者可以先使用 AWS 免費的模擬器進行原型開發或事先找出並解決語法或環境的可能問題。
陳岳男教授表示,該團隊把 Amazon Braket 當作一個可驗證各種量子理論的實驗平台,Amazon Braket 的最大好處就是支援不同技術架構,目前成大團隊主要使用 Rigetti 超導及 IonQ 離子阱量子處理器,並且會與原先一直在使用的其他量子雲端服務商進行交叉比對。
IonQ 的離子阱技術大受成大團隊好評,尤其是 IonQ 最新一代 Aria 的計算能力比前一代 Harmony 大幅高出許多。5 月 17 日 Amazon Braket 才剛發布 Aria,成大團隊便成為第一批使用者。經實測,由於 Aria 電腦雜訊比上一代大幅減少,所以在降噪穩定度的表現更勝一籌。成大團隊早已發表台灣學界第一個使用 Amazon Braket 進行量子研究的論文,如今關於 IonQ Aria 的最新論文也已投稿。
AWS 將各種服務整合至單一平台,提供全球量子資源與社群計畫
根據 Yole Développement 的估計,2035 年整體量子科技市場規模將達 40 億美元[1],面對如此充滿希望與前景的市場,AWS 持續擴充量子資源。
AWS 持續不斷與更多量子電腦供應商合作,未來會有更多的量子運算技術上架,以提供使用者更多元的量子服務選擇,包括將運算、資料儲存(例如 Amazon S3 雲端儲存服務)、機器學習(例如 Amazon SageMaker)、帳號管理及計費等各種 AWS 服務整合成為一個具備統一存取介面的單一平台。此外,為了滿足客戶快速建置量子軟體,Amazon Braket 不但有專屬的軟體開發套件(SDK),也提供依照目前使用量進行費用預估的計算器,以符合使用者預算。
AWS 對於量子研發的經費予補助不遺餘力,於美國加州特別成立量子解決方案實驗室(Quantum Solution Lab),專門協助研究機構關於研究方向的指導、合作或經費補助;社群研究計劃方面則是創立一個名為 AWS Cloud Credit for Research Program 的研究計畫以及 Amazon Science 社群,量子前端研究學者可透過前者申請補助並取得相關資源,後者則集結了許多第三方研究機構與學者提供關於研究計畫、補助及合作方面的資源與訊息。
為了推廣量子科普教育,並為入門的基礎量子科學扎根,成大 QFort 中心自 2020 年起每年都會舉辦高中生量子電腦微課程,如今第四屆活動也剛圓滿落幕。「我們應該讓更多年輕新血進入量子科技領域,所以今後不論軟硬體,重點應放在未來人才的投資及培育上,這一切就從高中生開始!」陳岳男總結道。
Quantum technology, AI, and IoT are the three major technologies that will spark the fourth industrial revolution. In the future, quantum technology will change people’s lives, and many countries are looking forward to its various applications. Undoubtedly, advanced countries have already listed the technology as a critical aspect of their national development strategies. To keep up with the progress of international research, the “Center for Quantum Frontiers of Research and Technology (QFort) at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)” has received support from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The center has selected Amazon Braket, a quantum cloud service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), as the primary computing platform for continuous enhancement of integrated research that incorporates quantum theories, materials, quantum devices, and computers.
QFort Dedicates to Research on Quantum Theories, Devices, Materials for Future Technological Planning
Professor Yueh-Nan Chen of the Department of Physics and QFort said that NCKU began investing in the research of quantum technology as early as two decades ago. Additionally, the university established the “Quantum Information Science Research Center” in November 2003 and began recruiting new research talents in quantum-related fields to accumulate more extensive research capabilities. Today, members of Qfort specialize in various fields, of which the three major fields are “quantum theory,” “quantum devices and computers,” and “quantum materials.”
International interdisciplinary partnerships are extremely important for the long-term research of emerging quantum technologies. The NCKU quantum research team not only maintains a partnership with the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) in Japan, it has also driven joint programs in superconducting quantum bits between Taiwan and the U.S., as well as quantum communications programs between Taiwan and Europe. Moreover, by integrating resources and allowing parties to leverage their strengths, both the quality and quantity of research results can be improved.
Quantum computing, and information and communication must be established based on a solid foundation in quantum theory. The NCKU team has long been focusing on “quantum correlations” that can distinguish the difference between quantum and classical computers. Other focuses include open quantum systems and basic quantum research. For quantum devices, the NCKU team has developed the world’s first all-electric all-semiconductor spin field-effect transistor, a feat where a new type of interferometer or design principle in quantum electronics is created. In terms of quantum materials, the primary research focuses include one-way two-dimensional graphene, topological materials, composite oxides, and van der Waals materials. Research in these areas has produced remarkable results. Not only was the first theoretical forecasting of the chiral topological semimetals proposed, but also a gateless monoatomic layer diode was produced for the first time.
Amazon Braket Quantum Cloud Service Offers New Option to Substituting Proprietary Development of Quantum Computers
In the current stage, hardware architectures for achieving quantum computing are diverse. Superconducting circuits and ion trap technologies are currently the mainstream technologies on the market, while other technologies include quantum dots, photons, and topological qubits. The current research focus in Taiwan is on superconducting circuits and photon qubits. Through testing, Professor Chen said that the performance of ion trap qubits in noise reduction, quantum correlation validation, and running of simple algorithms is exceptional.
However, in terms of research hardware for quantum qubits, Taiwan lacks a stable quantum computer. As such, utilizing a cloud-based quantum service is the most optimal and feasible pathway to gradually cultivating capabilities in the research and validation of quantum technologies. Amazon Braket allows scholars in Taiwan to conduct their research without being limited by a specific quantum computing hardware architecture. It also precludes delay in existing research or loss of opportunities to catch up with global development trends in quantum research. With extensive results in quantum theories and basic quantum research, a solid foundation may be established for future release and fine-tuning of quantum hardware. Through the synergy between Amazon Braket and NCKU’s capabilities in hardware research and development, Taiwan’s next quantum miracle is definitely forthcoming.
Amazon Braket has gathered a group of quantum hardware suppliers that provide support for various quantum computing technologies. These suppliers include Rigetti Computing, Inc. (Rigetti) and Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC) for superconducting circuits technology, IonQ, Inc. (IonQ) for ion trap technology, QuEra Computing Inc. (QuEra) for neutral-atom technology, and Xanadu Quantum Technologies (Xanadu) for photon technology. Professor Chen said that based on unique quantum theories proposed by NCKU, they hope to utilize different quantum computing technologies to conduct cross-validation and cross-comparison. Amazon Braket supports multiple quantum computing hardware architectures by requiring only small modifications in coding to perform comparison and validation under different architectures.
Amazon Braket Becomes Quantum Experiment Platform for Research Units in Universities with NSTC Subsidy Program
This year, the NSTC has announced a NT$34.9 billion budget to establish a forward-looking technology platform for eight major fields, one of which is semiconductors and quantum technology. With strong budgetary support from the NSTC, QFort opened the first phase of Amazon Braket usage for application in August 2021. Those who hold a position above the assistant professor/assistant research fellow level in universities, colleges and research institutes are eligible to apply. The subsidy program has been in place for two years so far, and has completed the eighth phase of open application. The program will go on for the next three years.
Currently, QFort will utilize Amazon Braket to test and validate theories such as quantum batteries and quantum heat engines. As Amazon Braket charges by actual usage time, users can utilize a free simulator from AWS to develop prototypes, or identify and eliminate potential syntax or environmental issues in advance.
Professor Chen stated that their team treats Amazon Braket as an experimental platform capable of validating various quantum theories. The biggest advantage of Amazon Braket is its support for different technological architectures. Currently, the NCKU team mainly uses Rigetti’s superconductor and IonQ’s ion trap quantum processors. Meanwhile, the team will also cross-compared their performance with that of the existing quantum cloud service providers.
Furthermore, the NCKU team praises IonQ’s ion trap technology, especially its latest generation quantum computer, Aria. Aria has significantly more computing power compared with the previous generation, Harmony. The team became the first batch of users when Amazon Braket launched Aria on May 17 this year. Affirmed by testing, Aria’s computer noise is found to be significantly lower than that of the previous generation, and offers improved performance in noise reduction stability. The NCKU team has since published the first quantum research paper in Taiwan using Amazon Bracket. Currently, the latest paper related to IonQ Aria has also been submitted.
AWS Integration of Services onto a Single Platform Offers Global Quantum Resources and Community Program
According to forecasts made by Yole Développement, the overall quantum technology market will reach a scale of US$4 billion in 2035. [1] With such positive outlook on this market, AWS will continue to expand its quantum resources.
AWS will also continue to collaborate with more quantum computer suppliers. In the future, it will launch even more quantum computing technologies to provide users with a more diverse selection of quantum services. This includes integrating computing, data storage (e.g., Amazon S3 cloud object storage), machine learning (e.g., Amazon SageMaker), account management, and usage fee calculation in a single platform with a universal access interface. Furthermore, Amazon Braket will offer a dedicated software development kit (SDK) to help customers quickly implement quantum software, as well as a calculator to estimate current usage fees to meet user’s budgets.
AWS has spared no effort in providing research budget to support quantum development. It has established a Quantum Solution Lab in California dedicated to assisting research institutes and guiding their research, offering partnerships or budget subsidies. In terms of community research planning, the establishment of AWS Cloud Credit for Research Program and Amazon Science community allows leading quantum research scholars to apply for subsidies and obtain resources. The latter gathers many third-party research institutes and scholars, offering them resources and information on research programs, subsidies, and partnerships.
Cultivating New Blood to Take Root in Emerging Technologies of Quantum Research
To promote quantum science education and allow introductory courses of quantum science to take root, QFort has been organizing an annual microcourse of quantum computing for high school students since 2020. The fourth microcourse was successfully held recently. Professor Chen concluded, “We must allow more new talents to enter the field of quantum technology. Regardless of software or hardware, from now on, the focus should be on the investment and cultivation of future talents. This will begin with high school students!”
[1]: https://www.yolegroup.com/product/report/quantum-technologies-2023/
(News Provider: TrendForce)