AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: AWS Cloud Development Kit

LenelS2, a Carrier Company, Migrates Desktop Software to SaaS with Amazon AppStream 2.0

Explore how LenelS2, a Carrier company, transformed its existing OnGuard thick-client application into a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution on AWS utilizing the multi-session feature of Amazon AppStream 2.0. With this approach, LenelS2 successfully streamed the OnGuard desktop application to users via the internet without the need to redesign the core application.

How to Shift Left Security in Infrastructure as Code Using AWS CDK and Checkmarx KICS

Integrating security scanning into infrastructure as code (IaC) allows detecting misconfigurations early in development. This post explores using the KICS plugin from Checkmarx with AWS CDK. Learn how KICS performs static code analysis to find vulnerabilities and compliance issues in IaC and scans the CDK code to report findings, failing the command for high-severity issues. This shifts security left, mitigating risks in deployed infrastructure.


Accelerate Migration and Modernization with a Reusable Solution to Deploy Container Applications on AWS

AWS Partner Neurons Lab provides a step-by-step guide to deploy containerized applications on AWS using GitHub Actions, AWS CDK, and other key services. Neurons Lab, with expertise across data science, cloud, and business strategy, solves complex AI challenges and accelerates migration journeys for organizations seeking to modernize through AI integration on AWS. By leveraging AWS CDK constructs to define infrastructure as code, this reusable solution streamlines infrastructure setup and deployments.


Building Cross-Account Deployment in GitLab Pipelines Using AWS CDK

AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) can save time while developing infrastructure as code in your preferred language, such as JavaScript/TypeScript, or Python. This post provides reference framework for customers which can save time implementing GitLab Pipelines using AWS CDK for a secured and reliable deployment experience across their teams. Many organizations use GitLab as a CI/CD platform for their cloud infrastructure and application deployments on AWS.

Automating Secure and Scalable Website Deployment on AWS with Amazon CloudFront and AWS CDK

There is no easier way to run HTTPS-enabled static websites on AWS than by using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon S3. In this post, we’ll look at automating website deployment on AWS using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and TypeScript. We’ll use the architecture that combines CloudFront as the content delivery network, AWS Certificate Manager for secure certificate provisioning, Amazon S3 for reliable website hosting, and Amazon Route 53 as the domain name system.


How Advanced Accelerated Migrations to SaaS by Using AWS Step Functions

Advanced Care Cloud is a SaaS solution running on AWS that provides care organizations of different sizes with the power to effectively manage their entire business from anywhere, at any time. Learn how Advanced used AWS Step Functions to orchestrate the solution’s onboarding process and data migration activities. We’ll also discuss the benefits Advanced achieved by leveraging Step Functions rather than building custom orchestration capability.


Building Scalable IT Platforms with the AWS CDK Using Attini

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) allows developers to define their infrastructure as code using familiar programming languages. It simplifies the process of building, deploying, and managing infrastructure in AWS, making it a popular choice for organizations that want to improve their agility, reliability, and scalability. Learn how Attini helps you package your code, configuration, and deployment instructions into immutable artifacts. The Attini Framework will then automatically run your deployments for you.

Create Dynamic Serverless Applications with Neo4j Graph Database and AWS Lambda

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a framework that provides an automated and repeatable way of handling cloud infrastructure. Learn how to use the AWS CDK to build an AWS Lambda function in Java that connects to Neo4j. The framework described here can be used to build dynamic serverless applications where the frontend scales based on system demand. This makes it possible to easily get value from your connected graph data in front end applications.

Chaos Gears-AWS-Partners

Building a Multi-Region Solution for Auto Recovery of Amazon EC2 Instances Using AWS CDK and AWS Step Functions

Learn about a multi-regional first-line of support solution Chaos Gears put together using a serverless application running AWS Lambda under the baton of AWS Step Functions to relieve a customer’s engineers from some of their operational burdens. The approach described in this post can be adapted to serve other needs or cover different cases, as AWS Step Functions’ visual workflows allow for a quick translation of business requirements to technical ones.


Provisioning a Virtual Private Cloud at Scale with AWS CDK

Infrastructure as code is one of the most important concepts used with cloud solutions, and AWS CloudFormation enables IaC by deploying stacks and provisioning resources on AWS using JSON or YAML files called templates. APN Ambassador Francois Rouxel from Slalom will show you how to create a hundred VPCs in one AWS region without providing any parameters, and how to easily establish a peering connection between two of them within a single line of code.