AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Migrating Bioinformatics Applications to SaaS using Amazon AppStream and Sigma Technology

By Jimmy Dahlqvist, APN Ambassador, Sr. Solutions Architect – Sigma Technology Cloud By Leszek Ucinski, Cloud Engineer – Sigma Technology Cloud By Bill Tarr, Principal Solutions Architect – AWS SaaS Factory By Babak Parvizi, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect – AWS SaaS Factory Sigma Technology For software providers with legacy applications, modernization to a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) […]

Tenant Switching and Custom Permissions in a Multi-Tenant Serverless Application

This post presents a cost-effective, serverless multi-tenant SaaS architecture utilizing AWS managed services. Users can belong to multiple tenants via Amazon Cognito user groups, and the solution enables seamless tenant switching and allows tenants to define custom roles with Amazon DynamoDB transactions. By leveraging AWS services, the architecture provides security, isolation, custom permissions, and flexibility to scale without operational overhead.


How to Streamline AMI Management Through Enhanced Automation with Stratus10

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) allow quick deployment of EC2 instances, but managing multiple customized AMIs is complex. Stratus10’s Image Management Solution automates and streamlines AMI building, testing, and deployment using EC2 Image Builder. It provides consistency, integrates with current processes, reduces costs, and improves security. By eliminating manual processes, engineering teams can focus on innovation while hardened images ensure best practices.


Supercharging User Experience with AWS Lambda Response Streaming

Leveraging AWS Lambda response streaming functionality enables progressive data delivery from large datasets, enhancing web application performance. This post compares a traditional API implementation to a Lambda streaming API, demonstrating reduced time-to-first-byte latency and quicker, more dynamic client-side rendering. By incrementally sending data, response streaming eliminates lag from waiting on entire dataset transfers, vastly improving user experience for data-intensive applications.


How CyberCX Leverages AWS to Enable Data Masking for Non-Production Environments

CyberCX built an AWS serverless data lake and data masking solution to enable using production data securely in non-production environments. The modular, AWS-native solution combines AWS services to mask sensitive data in near real-time while retaining data utility. This allows thorough testing and confidence before deployment to production, improving data security and accelerating time to market.


How JBS Dev Leveraged AWS Lambda to Modernize a National Pet Retailer’s Mobile App Backend

JBS Dev modernized a national pet retailer’s legacy backend system to support its new mobile app. By leveraging AWS Lambda and other services, JBS Dev built a scalable, resilient serverless architecture which enabled faster innovation and integrated seamlessly with the retailer’s systems. The solution improved performance and reliability, delivering an exceptional customer experience. JBS Dev showcased the power of AWS Lambda and serverless to transform legacy systems and drive business growth.

Enriching Snowflake Data with Amazon Location Service and AWS Lambda

The integration of geospatial data into the broader business intelligence and decision-making process is referred to as location intelligence. On AWS, you can use the Snowflake Data Cloud to integrate fragmented data, discover and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. This post shows how you can enrich your existing Snowflake data with location-based insights using Amazon Location Service for location intelligence workloads.

Filter and Stream Logs from Amazon S3 Logging Buckets into Splunk Using AWS Lambda

This post showcases a way to filter and stream logs from centralized Amazon S3 logging buckets to Splunk using a push mechanism leveraging AWS Lambda. The push mechanism offers benefits such as lower operational overhead, lower costs, and automated scaling. We’ll provide instructions and a sample Lambda code that filters virtual private cloud (VPC) flow logs with “action” flag set to “REJECT” and pushes it to Splunk via a Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint.


Comparing AWS Lambda Arm vs. x86 Performance, Cost, and Analysis

If you’re an AWS Lambda user who has yet to migrate your functions to Arm, how much performance uplift, cost savings, or both can you expect depending on the kind of workload or runtime you use? Learn how Cascadeo designed an experiment to tease out a data-driven view of Arm vs. x86 Lambdas functions and found that switching to Arm-based Lambdas can have significant benefits in terms of performance or cost—and a lot of times both!

How to Integrate Amazon CloudWatch Alarms with Atlassian Confluence Knowledge Articles

Atlassian Confluence lets you create, capture, and collaborate on projects or ideas while creating and sharing knowledge articles with your colleague and organization. Learn how to use an AWS Lambda function to customize Amazon CloudWatch alarm notifications and embed an Atlassian Confluence knowledge article within it. We’ll also explore the option to build a pipeline to carry the metrics notification from source instance to CloudWatch and Amazon SNS.