Posted On: Jul 24, 2020

Scale-Out Computing on AWS is an AWS Solutions Implementation that provides customers with a production-ready reference implementation for deploying an AWS environment to start and manage scale-out workloads. This implementation features a large selection of compute resources, budget and cost management integration within AWS, automation tools, and an example user interface.

The solution uses AWS CloudFormation templates to deploy infrastructure components, automatically provisioning the necessary resources and launching nested stacks to leverage a number of AWS services. These services include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon Elastic File System, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, AWS Backup, Amazon FSx for Lustre, AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Lambda, AWS Identity and Access Management, and more, allowing for further customization based on specific needs. With this release the solution now includes a REST API, the ability to restrict jobs to reserved instances, a web-based file system explorer with application specific job submission templates, and a highly available Amazon ES cluster. To learn more about Scale-Out Computing on AWS, see the AWS Solutions Implementation webpage.

Additional AWS Solutions are available on the AWS Solutions Implementations webpage, where customers can browse solutions by product category or industry to find AWS-vetted, automated, turnkey reference implementations that address specific business needs.