AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

How to Use Adobe Commerce and Shero to Enhance Your Ecommerce Presence

By Beth Shero, Chief Operating Officer – Shero Commerce
By Melissa Dempsey, Marketing Manager – Shero Commerce
By Kenny Rajan, Vikram Mehto, and Dan Taoka, Solutions Architects – AWS

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If you or your company is struggling to set up your ecommerce solution, or if your current ecommerce site is not resonating with customers like you would hope, you are not alone.

There are a number of options available, but finding a solution that is easy to deploy and manage but also customizable to meet the needs of your customers can be a challenge.

In this post, we’ll provide an overview of the Adobe Commerce open source solution, show how it can be deployed using a Quick Start developed by Shero Commerce, and how Shero can help with your Adobe Commerce system to enhance your customer’s digital shopping experience.

What is Adobe Commerce?

Adobe Commerce, powered by Magento, allows businesses to establish their ecommerce presence and reach customers in a way that is not possible in a traditional retail model.

Adobe Commerce runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) which allows the flexibility to handle spikes in traffic and data at different times during the day and on different days of the year. Computing resources, storage, and networking resources can all be scaled dynamically as needed, and content can be distributed globally. All of this is available in a PCI-compliant environment.

Adobe is an AWS Partner with qualified software offerings that help customers create, deliver, and optimize compelling content and applications. Adobe holds AWS Competency designations in both Digital Customer Experience and Retail.

Who is Shero Commerce?

Shero Commerce is an AWS Select Tier Services Partner and consulting firm that specializes in building and enhancing ecommerce solutions on the AWS Cloud. Shero brings strong technical expertise they use to help customers implement highly integrated ecommerce stores designed to resonate with customers.

Shero helps customers optimize site performance, improve search engine optimization (SEO), and increase their customer conversion. Customers like Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) used Shero to implement their Adobe Commerce site on AWS. Shero was able to streamline CCL’s internal operations and add additional functionality to their site with tighter integration of a reduced number of ecommerce systems.

Prerequisites for Adobe Commerce Quick Start

This post assumes you have:

  • Signed up for the free Adobe Commerce powered by Magento Community Edition. The cloud allows Adobe to implement features like artificial intelligence-powered merchandising and deeper analytics which are not possible on premises. See Adobe documentation for more information.
  • Basic understanding of Terraform. We recommend you review the HashiCorp documentation for getting started to understand the basics of Terraform. Conveniently, their documentation uses AWS as the example cloud infrastructure of choice.
  • AWS account with the necessary permissions to deploy the required AWS services.

Software Overview

By using the Adobe Commerce Magento Quick Start, you can deploy the free Magento open source software (Community Edition) that delivers all of the basic ecommerce capabilities. This allows you to build a completely unique online store from the ground up on AWS infrastructure.

If a full featured ecommerce solution is needed, Adobe recommends Adobe Commerce, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution with an optimized cloud architecture. See the Adobe Experience Cloud page for more information.

Instructions for deploying the Adobe Commerce Quick Start can be found in the deployment guide. The following infrastructure is deployed by the Quick Start.


Figure 1 – Architecture overview of Adobe Commerce AWS Quick Start.

The diagram above shows the AWS services that make up the Adobe Commerce architecture that is deployed using the Quick Start. Additional information on the services:

The Quick Start deploys all of the infrastructure and software needed to run Magento in about an hour. The Quick Start also loads the site with sample data to help you get started.

The following image is the Adobe Commerce home page that’s available after deployment. An administrative portal is also available for you to manage your new ecommerce site.


Figure 2 – Magento Store with sample data.

How Shero Helps Optimize Your New Site

Once you have deployed Magento and have your ecommerce site up and running, the challenge of getting customers to visit your site, converting those customers to buyers, and optimizing the cost of your system are all things Shero can help with.

Shero helps with SEO to drive traffic to your site, and helps with the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of your site to help turn more customers into buyers.

One example is the outdoor knife and cutlery retailer Benchmade, who approached Shero with a goal of maximizing U.S. revenue and scaling their Adobe Commerce store into the international market, all while maintaining brand integrity.

Shero assisted Benchmade with a redesigned home page, upgraded product listings and search capability, a product customizer that allows customers to view multiple versions of the same product, and more. The site relaunched in time to see holiday weekend sales jump more than 100% over the previous year.

Cost is also a top concern for those running an ecommerce system. Shero helps with both the sizing and customization of your AWS environment. They can help with the optimization of system storage and configuration of the AWS services used to help reduce the costs. Customers typically save over 10% of their AWS spend once the environment is optimized.

For customers interested in additional modernization of their ecommerce platform, Shero has worked with online sellers to integrate their Adobe Commerce store with Amazon Alexa, called Voice Commerce. This integration allows customers to use their voice to interact with the seller’s storefront to make purchases or get recommendations. Learn more about voice-enabled purchasing for Adobe Commerce environments in this APN TV video.


The Adobe Commerce Quick Start can be used to run a production environment for your ecommerce solution. To avoid further charges for resources for trail-based deployments, you must terminate the AWS infrastructure deployed as part the deployment setup.

See Quick Start deployment guide for Terraform cleanup steps.


There are a number of factors in making your online store successful, including the deployment and set up of a new ecommerce solution and the enhancing and optimization of your existing online storefront.

The Adobe Commerce Magento AWS Quick Start developed by Shero provides an easy way to implement the Magento system on AWS, which is ideal if you are looking for a new system. If you’re looking to augment or enhance an existing Magento implementation and lack the knowledge or skills to do it yourself, Shero can help optimize your ecommerce solution to make your online store more profitable.

Learn more about Magento Commerce, the Adobe Commerce Magento Quick Start, and Shero Commerce to see how they can help you in your ecommerce journey.


Shero Commerce – AWS Partner Spotlight

Shero Commerce is an AWS Select Tier Services Partner and consulting firm that specializes in building and enhancing ecommerce solutions on the AWS Cloud.

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