AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Enhance performance of generative language models with self-consistency prompting on Amazon Bedrock

With the batch inference API, you can use Amazon Bedrock to run inference with foundation models in batches and get responses more efficiently. This post shows how to implement self-consistency prompting via batch inference on Amazon Bedrock to enhance model performance on arithmetic and multiple-choice reasoning tasks.

Transform one-on-one customer interactions: Build speech-capable order processing agents with AWS and generative AI

In today’s landscape of one-on-one customer interactions for placing orders, the prevailing practice continues to rely on human attendants, even in settings like drive-thru coffee shops and fast-food establishments. This traditional approach poses several challenges: it heavily depends on manual processes, struggles to efficiently scale with increasing customer demands, introduces the potential for human errors, […]

The journey of PGA TOUR’s generative AI virtual assistant, from concept to development to prototype

This is a guest post co-written with Scott Gutterman from the PGA TOUR. Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) has enabled new possibilities for building intelligent systems. Recent improvements in Generative AI based large language models (LLMs) have enabled their use in a variety of applications surrounding information retrieval. Given the data sources, LLMs provided tools […]

Enhance code review and approval efficiency with generative AI using Amazon Bedrock

In the world of software development, code review and approval are important processes for ensuring the quality, security, and functionality of the software being developed. However, managers tasked with overseeing these critical processes often face numerous challenges, such as the following: Lack of technical expertise – Managers may not have an in-depth technical understanding of […]

Set up cross-account Amazon S3 access for Amazon SageMaker notebooks in VPC-only mode using Amazon S3 Access Points

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing the financial industry for use cases such as fraud detection, credit worthiness assessment, and trading strategy optimization. To develop models for such use cases, data scientists need access to various datasets like credit decision engines, customer transactions, risk appetite, and stress testing. Managing appropriate […]

Large language model inference over confidential data using AWS Nitro Enclaves

This post discusses how Nitro Enclaves can help protect LLM model deployments, specifically those that use personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI). This post is for educational purposes only and should not be used in production environments without additional controls.

Automate the process to change image backgrounds using Amazon Bedrock and AWS Step Functions

Many customers, including those in creative advertising, media and entertainment, ecommerce, and fashion, often need to change the background in a large number of images. Typically, this involves manually editing each image with photo software. This can take a lot of effort, especially for large batches of images. However, Amazon Bedrock and AWS Step Functions […]

Efficiently fine-tune the ESM-2 protein language model with Amazon SageMaker

In this post, we demonstrate how to efficiently fine-tune a state-of-the-art protein language model (pLM) to predict protein subcellular localization using Amazon SageMaker. Proteins are the molecular machines of the body, responsible for everything from moving your muscles to responding to infections. Despite this variety, all proteins are made of repeating chains of molecules called […]

Use RAG for drug discovery with Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock provides a broad range of models from Amazon and third-party providers, including Anthropic, AI21, Meta, Cohere, and Stability AI, and covers a wide range of use cases, including text and image generation, embedding, chat, high-level agents with reasoning and orchestration, and more. Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock allows you to build performant and […]