Partner von AWS Mainframe Modernization Competency

Fördern von Innovationen und Steigern des Geschäftswerts mit AWS-Spezialisierungspartnern, die über fundiertes technisches Wissen und nachgewiesenen Kundenerfolg verfügen

Warum sich für AWS Mainframe Modernization entscheiden?

Durch die Modernisierung und Migration von Mainframe-Workloads zu Amazon Web Services (AWS) können Kunden und Partner Innovation, Flexibilität und Kosteneinsparungen vorantreiben. Diese Migrationen haben Kunden dabei geholfen, die Risiken zu minimieren, die mit der Wartung älterer Technologien und der Suche nach Nischenkenntnissen verbunden sind. AWS-Kunden sind sich der Komplexität einer Mainframe-Modernisierung bewusst und suchen daher nach bewährten Methoden, Tools und Best Practices, um die Migration und Modernisierung von Mainframes zu AWS zu beschleunigen.

Das AWS-Kompetenzpartner-Programm dient dazu, AWS-Partner mit nachgewiesener technischer Expertise und nachweislichem Kundenerfolg zu identifizieren, zu validieren und zu fördern. Das AWS-Kompetenzpartnerprogramm hat bestätigt, dass die unten aufgeführten Partner nachgewiesen haben, dass sie Kunden bei der Migration von Anwendungen und Legacy-Infrastrukturen zu AWS unterstützen können.

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AWS-Partner mit der Mainframe Modernization Software Competency haben sich bei der Migration von Mainframe-Anwendungen und -Daten zu AWS bewährt.

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AWS-Partner mit der Mainframe Modernization Services Competency verfügen über ausgereifte Verfahren und können auf eine Erfolgsbilanz erfolgreicher Mainframe-Workload-Migrationen zurückblicken.

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  • 1-3 (143)
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    Total results: 143
    • Vor Kurzem hinzugefügt
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    • Financial Services

      Presidio Migrates Q2, Inc. Digital Banking Product to AWS to Accelerate Innovation While Reducing Costs

      United States

      Q2, Inc., a financial experience company, partnered with AWS Partner Presidio to migrate its largest revenue-generating digital banking product to AWS, avoiding a costly on-premises hardware investment. Q2 set an ambitious goal to decrease costs by 25% to better serve each customer. The AWS migration would prove integral to achieving this goal. To satisfy a tight timeline and rigid uptime requirements, Presidio developed an automated, parallel migration  platform called “Q2 Migration Manager” (Q2MM) to accelerate the project.

    • Software & Internet

      Improvement-IT Uses TechNative to Migrate to AWS, Speeds Customer Onboarding, and Reduces Support Calls by 15%

      The Netherlands

      Improvement-IT, based in the Netherlands, provides IoT solutions to a variety of organizations with an emphasis on tracking, tracing, and monitoring the status of assets. Together with its other companies Port Pay and Alltrack Medical, it offers these innovative solutions to help customers track assets in the field, manage warehouses, and optimize supply chains. However, it was being hampered by its own managed services provider, which was running both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and on-premises assets for it. It wanted a proactive partner with deep expertise to help optimize its systems, improve client onboarding times, and better detect problems before they affected customers. AWS Partner TechNative has helped it to achieve those goals, reducing customer support calls by 15 percent and cutting onboarding time by 50 percent.

    • Oil & Gas

      Petronash Migrates to SAP on AWS to Improve Scalability, Performance, and Security with Integra Technologies

      United Arab Emirates

      Petronash is an engineering firm established in 2000 in the United Arab Emirates and specializes in integrated solutions tailored for the oil and gas industry. Over the years, the company has grown and extended its operations across the globe. Petronash uses SAP to manage its operations, from internal processes to connections to thousands of customers and suppliers in its supply chain. Its SAP system was running on on-premises infrastructure that was facing end of support and needed to be replaced. With the help of AWS Partner Integra Technologies, the company assessed a range of options and decided to migrate to Amazon Web Services (AWS). With around 95 percent of its operations now on AWS, Petronash has reduced operational costs by 35 percent and reported a 30 percent improvement in SAP application performance.

    1 48
  • Blog-Beiträge
  • Showing results: 1-5
    Total results: 96
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    Es wurden keine Blogs gefunden, die diesen Kriterien entsprechen.
    • Yann Kindelberger, Arnaud Perrier, Chiranjeev Mukherjee, Sylvain Eveillard, Tim Gray, 30.01.2025
      In this blog post, we outline the criteria for evaluating code maintainability and explain how AWS Blu Age transforms mainframe applications into maintainable object-oriented Java. AWS Blu Age allows customers to transform mainframe applications into Java Spring. This transformation not only remediates technology concerns, but enables business transformation. Without Java applications that can be readily [...]
    • Brenesh Stanslas Flower Mary, Mark Brealey, Bruno Sahinoglu, 27.01.2025
      Many enterprises still rely on the Adabas database and Natural programming language for critical workloads, facing rising license costs and a shrinking talent pool. To reduce reliance on these aging technologies and enable digital transformation, companies are modernizing to AWS with IBM ModernSystems accelerator. The division offers automated refactoring of Natural code to Java/C# and replatforming to execute Natural on Windows, along with migrating Adabas databases to modern relational databases.
    • Vaidyanathan Ganesa Sankaran, Phil de Valence, 05.12.2024
      AWS just announced new generative AI–powered transformation capabilities of Amazon Q Developer for large-scale assessment and modernization of mainframe applications. Q Developer provides an objective-driven approach powered by autonomous generative AI agents to accelerate mainframe application modernization. It allows customers to define high-level goals and have Q Developer orchestrate the tools and streamline human actions to [...]
    • Prasad Rao, 03.12.2024
      Amazon Q Developer streamlines large-scale transformations using generative AI agents supervised by teams through a unified web experience, accelerating .NET porting, mainframe modernization, and VMware migration.
    • Chris Milkosky, 19.11.2024
      This article co-authored with: Padmanabha Rao Chillara (The New York Times) Executive Summary Amazon Web Services recommends an incremental journey to the cloud, leveraging fast-paced, tool-based modernization approaches to migrate from the mainframe to AWS and then incrementally optimize workloads over time. The New York Times (The Times) selected an automated refactor approach to migrate [...]