AWS Industrial Insights Podcast

AWS Industrial Insights is an original podcast for industrial business leaders who are looking to make data-driven decisions and learn from those who have experienced similar challenges. We interview visionary leaders from industrial companies to share their insights on technology, innovation, and leadership. 

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  • Podcast series

    Factory Performance: Overall Equipment Effectiveness,…

    Logan Cooper, Director of Quality and Lean Manufacturing at Belden

    In this episode, we chatted with Logan Cooper from Belden–director of quality and lean manufacturing at their Richmond, Indiana facility–on his role in improving visibility into factory performance metrics. Initiating a cross-functional project to implement one of Belden’s own digital solutions, Cooper streamlined data collection across disparate equipment, taking a pen-and-paper system to an AWS-connected process. The result? Facility status information is accessible in real-time via equipment interfaces, heads-up displays, and remote cloud-based dashboards, all in addition to a productivity improvement of around 10%.

  • Podcast series

    Simplifying 70+ ERP systems with the help of the cloud (featuring…

    Zach Nimboorkar, SVP of Global Technology Services & Operations at Schneider Electric

    Join us as we speak with Zach Nimboorkar, SVP of Global Technology Services & Operations at Schneider Electric, and explore Schneider's strategy to navigate cloud migration, system consolidation and simplification, infrastructure transformation, and change management to help simplify 78 distinct ERP systems.

  • Podcast series

    One woman's journey - Diversity in the tech and industrial space …

    Oxana K. Pickeral, Ph.D, MBA, VPGM Connected Life Sciences & Logistics

    This episode’s special guest, Dr. Oxana Pickeral, is the VP GM of Connected Life Sciences & Logistics & Software Business Model at Honeywell. For International Women’s Day, she joined us to discuss her career in STEM and how her experience empowers her to bring legacy technology, software, and consulting knowledge together to innovate in numerous ways and deliver new value to customers. Covering topics that range from the importance of mentors to suggestions on how to get more underrepresented people into STEM, Pickeral comes with a crisp perspective and plenty of advice.

  • Podcast series

    Generative Design, and Generative AI in Engineering and Beyond…

    Steve Hooper, VP for design and manufacturing software tools at Autodesk

    In this episode, our guest, Steve Hooper, vice president for design and manufacturing software tools at Autodesk, walks through the nuanced conversation around generative design and generative AI in the manufacturing space. Throughout this episode, we’ll talk about the potential generative design and generative AI has for augmenting both product design and manufacturing with its ability to iterate through hundreds, if not thousands, of simulations to solve for defined constraints. We’ll also touch on how embracing cloud compute and storage services provides scale and agility to easily reengage simulations to continue iterating with new considerations. Tune in as we discuss understanding the superpower of generative design and the future potential of generative AI to explore solutions in the manufacturing industry and beyond.

  • Series

    Building the Bridge from IT to the OT community (featuring Dragos)

    Steve Applegate, Chief Information Security Officer at Dragos | Douglas Bellin, Business Development Executive, Industrie 4.0 and Smart Factory at AWS

    Hear from Steve Applegate from Dragos on better ways for IT and OT to collaborate to improve security posture in an industrial facility. Manufacturers in particular will be interested in Steve's take on how he goes about working with OT personnel to improve security.

  • Series

    Stop Strategizing. Start Listening. The secret to happy employees…

    Gabe Green, Chief Information Security Officer at Koch Industries | Douglas Bellin, Business Development Executive, Industrie 4.0 and Smart Factory at AWS

    Join us as we talk with Gabe Green, Chief Information Security Officer for Koch Industries, about taking an informed approach to security in manufacturing. In this episode, Green shares with us insights from Koch’s journey to provide consistent IT and OT security across their very different environments, and how a bottoms-up approach creates space to leverage each employee’s comparative advantage. 

Podcast host Scot Wlodarczak

Your host

 Scot Wlodarczak, Head of Industrial Marketing

Scot has a long career in the manufacturing and industrial space, and is passionate about helping customers get the most out of cloud technology. A creative storyteller at heart, Scot brings a mechanical engineering background with experience in automation, bridging the gap between IT and operations, marketing strategy, and digital transformation.

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