Amazon Location Service requires no up-front commitment, and no minimum fee. You are only charged for what you use. Amazon Location Service offers a free tier for the first three months of usage. Location data is billed based on each request your application makes to the service. Beyond the Amazon Location Service free tier, you pay for the requests your application makes to the service. Easily calculate your monthly costs with the AWS Pricing Calculator.

Amazon Location Service Free Tier

You can evaluate Amazon Location Service using the free tier during your first three months of usage. During that time, you will not be billed for monthly usage up to the levels defined in the table below. If your usage exceeds the free tier levels, you will be billed for any additional requests you use according to paid tier rates.

Capabilities Included monthly, for 3 months
Maps 500,000 Map tiles retrieved (Vector or Raster)

10,000 Addresses suggested

10,000 Addresses geocoded

10,000 Positions reverse-geocoded

Routes 10,000 Routes calculated

200,000 Positions written

10,000 Batch position reads

5,000 Devices deleted


200,000 Positions evaluated

10,000 Geofences created, deleted or described

10,000 Geofence list requests
Service Resources

10,000 Resource create, read, update, delete, or list requests

If your application is tracking or routing assets you use in your business (such as delivery vehicles or employees), you can use only HERE or Open Data Maps as your geolocation provider. See section 82 of the AWS Service Terms or see the pricing section of the Amazon Location Service FAQs for more details.

Amazon Location Service Paid Tier

After the three-month free-tier period is complete, or if you exceed the free tier limits defined below, you pay for the requests your application makes to the service outlined in the table below. 

Volume discounts are available for customers with a monthly usage exceeding $5,000. For more info Contact us.

  • Maps
  • *Using Hybrid map style results in a higher number of map tile requests. This style overlays two map tiles: the satellite image (raster tile) in the background and the road network and labels (vector tile) on top. Your charges will include all tiles retrieved.

  • Places
  • *A request to each of the following APIs is considered one address geocoded: searchPlaceIndexForText and getPlace.
    *A request to the SearchPlaceIndexforPosition API is considered one address reverse-geocoded.
  • Routing
  • *When using the Matrix Routing API, the number of routes calculated in each request = number of origins x number of destination. For example, when using a matrix size of 300 origins by 100 destinations, the total number of routes calculated is 30,000 (300 x 100).
  • Tracking

  • * One request can retrieve up to 100 devices. 

  • Geofencing

  • * Evaluation of a single position against all geofences in a geofence collection. 
    ** Applies only to geofences that persist longer than 1 month. 
  • Service Resources

If your application is tracking or routing assets you use in your business (such as delivery vehicles or employees), you can use only HERE, GrabMaps or Open Data Maps as your geolocation provider. See section 82 of the AWS Service Terms or see the pricing section of the Amazon Location Service FAQs for more details.

Amazon Location Service requests definitions and details

Map tile: a request to retrieve a piece, or “tile,” of a larger digital map. When your application displays a map, it is showing a collection of map tiles. Amazon Location Service uses two types of map tiles: raster tiles, which are map images; and vector tiles, which represent the geographical features of a small map area.

Address geocoded: a request to convert a text description of a location, such as a street address, a place ID, or a point of interest, to a set of latitude and longitude coordinates.

Position reverse-geocoded: a request to convert latitude and longitude coordinates to a readable street address or place name.

Stored result: a request to store and reuse the addresses or latitude and longitude coordinates that are the results of geocoding or reverse-geocoding operations.

Geofence: requests to create, delete, or describe a geofence. A geofence is a geographical boundary defined on a map. For example, a retail chain could create geofences around their store locations so they can send customers a coupon when they are near a store. A “geofence-month” represents storage of a geofence definition for a period of one month in Amazon Location Service.

Position writes: a request for Amazon Location Service to record the location of a tracked entity in your account. For example, a fitness application can periodically record the location of an athlete during a run by using position write requests. Batch position writes are requests to record multiple locations for one or more tracked entities with timestamps. Each element requested in a batch call counts as a request.

Position reads: a request to retrieve the location of a tracked entity, for instance to show the location of visitors using a ski resort’s mobile application. Batch position reads are requests to retrieve multiple locations for one or more tracked entities with timestamps. Each element requested in a batch call counts as a request.

Position evaluated: a request for Amazon Location Service to determine the position of a tracked entity in relation to a set of geofences, and to send events to Amazon EventBridge if the tracked entity enters or exits a geofence. For example, a pizza chain’s application could determine that its delivery driver has crossed a geofence that is a half-mile from their customer, and send the customer an alert that their order is about to arrive.

Route calculated: a request for Amazon Location Service to calculate a route (travel time, distance, and geometry) to travel between a departure location and one or more destinations.

Service resources: requests to create, read, update, delete, or list the Amazon Location Service resources, such as a Map resources (used to retrieve map tiles in a specific style), Place Index resources (used to perform geocoding, reverse geocoding, and point-of-interest searches), Route Calculator resources (used to request route calculations), Geofence Collection resources (used to store geofences and evaluate positions against them), and Tracker resources (used to store and retrieve device positions). Requests to link and unlinking resources, such as trackers and geofences, is also considered a resource update.

Object resources: requests to list, describe, or delete objects within a resource such as devices in a Tracker resource or Geofences in a geofence collection.

Address suggested: a request to provide suggestions to complete partial strings with the most common and relevant search terms for addresses or place names (also know as autocomplete, autosuggest, or fuzzy text search). For example, the response can be used to suggest complete addresses or place names as a customer enters text in an address field or a search box on a map.

Pricing examples

  • A municipality’s public website features a map that is used by 10,000 visitors every month. On average, each map use requires 80 map tiles and geocodes one address. In total, this map requests 800,000 map tiles and makes 10,000 geocoding requests on a monthly basis. AWS Free Tier covers 500k map tiles and 10K geocoding requests per months, for the first three months


    First 3 months with free tier
    API  Usage
    10,000 visitors x 80 map tiles = 800,000 map tiles per month

    800,000 map tiles – 500,000 included map tiles = 300,000
    (300,000/1,000) x $0.04 = $12.00
    Places addresses geocoded
    10,000 addresses geocoded – 10,000 included addresses geocoded = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.50 = $0.00
    Total monthly Amazon Location  charges   $12.00 + $0.00 = $12.00
    After 3 months      
    Maps 800,000 map tiles
    (800,000/1,000) x $0.04 = $32.00
    Places addresses geocoded 10,000 addresses geocoded
    (10,000/1,000) x $0.50 = $5.00
    Total monthly Amazon Location  charges   $32.00 + $5.00 = $37.00
  • A small delivery organization has 10 vehicles that deliver to 100 customer locations, five days per week. To improve customer satisfaction, the delivery organization tracks each vehicle and provides an automated message to customers when each delivery is complete.

    The application tracks vehicles every 15 minutes, for 10 hours per day, 20 days per month. This results in 8,000 location writes per month (10 vehicles x 10 hours per day x 4 (15 minutes per hour) x 20 days).

    In order to notify customers, the application automatically adds 100 geofences at the end of each day and removes yesterday’s 100 geofences. Therefore, it performs 4,000 geofences write and delete operations each month (100 x 20 write + 100 x 20 delete).

    Finally, in order to notify customers, each vehicle’s tracking information is evaluated against the geofences. Since the delivery organization uses the accuracy-based filtering feature on the tracker resource, only 80% of the locations are evaluated against geofences (8,000 locations x 80% = 6,400 evaluations per month).


    First 3 months with free tier API Usage  Price 
    Tracking position writes
    10 vehicles x 10 hours per day x 4 (every 15 mins) x 20 days = 8,000 position writes per month

    8,000 position writes – 200,000 included position writes = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.05 = $0
    Geofences created & deleted
    (100 x 20 writes) + (100 x 20 deletes) = 4,000 geofences created & deleted per month

    4,000 geofences created & deleted – 10,000 included geofences created, deleted = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.05 = $0

    Geofences evaluated   8,000 locations x 80% = 6,400 positions evaluated per month

    6,400 positions evaluated – 200,000 included positions evaluated = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.16 = $0
    Total monthly Amazon Location charges    $0.00 + $0.00 +$0.00 = $0.00
    After 3 months    
    Tracking position writes 8,000 position writes (8,000/1,000) x $0.05 = $0.40
    Geofences created & deleted 4,000 geofences created & deleted
    (4,000/1,000) x $0.05 = $0.20
    Geofences evaluated 6,400 positions evaluated (6,400/1,000) x $0.16 = $1.024
    Total monthly Amazon Location charges
      $0.40 + $0.20 +$1.024 = $1.624
  • A package delivery company, located in San Francisco, California has 10 vehicles, each vehicle performing 10 deliveries a day. The package delivery company has 10 operators, who each work eight hours a day, five days a week, and use 80 map tiles an hour (assumes typical map zoom and density).

    To calculate the most effective route for each vehicle, the delivery application first calculates the driving time between every delivery for each day.  It then uses this information as input to plan the most effective route for each vehicle. As a result, it performs 101 x 101 route calculations each day ((10 vehicles x 10 deliveries per vehicles) + start/end position = 101 stops).

    To improve customer experience, the delivery application geofences all delivery locations and notifies customers when their packages have been delivered. Each vehicle operates 10 hours a day, reporting their location every 15 minutes, and evaluating every location against all geofences. Since the delivery organization uses the accuracy-based filtering feature on the tracker resource, only 80% of the locations are evaluated against geofences.


    First 3 months with free tier API Usage  Price 
    10 operators x 80 map tiles per hour x 8 hours per day x 5 days per week x 4 weeks per month =128,000 map tiles per month

    128,000 map tiles - 500,000 included map tiles = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.04 = $0
    Places addresses geocoded 10 operators x 1 search per hour x 8 hours per day x 5 days per week x 4 weeks per month = 1,600 geocoding requests per month

    1,600 addresses geocoded - 10,000 included addresses geocoded = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.50 = $0
    (10 vehicles x 10 delivers per vehicle) + start / end position = 101 destinations per day

    101 x 101 x 5 days per week x 4 weeks per month = 204,020 routes calculated per month

    204,020 routes calculated – 10,000 included routes calculated = 194,020
    (194,020 /1,000) x $0.50 = $97.01
    Tracking positions written
    10 vehicles x 4 position writes per hour (every 15 mins) x 10 hours per day x 5 days per week x 4 weeks = 8,000 position writes per month

    8,000 positions written – 200,000 included positions written = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.05 = $0
    Tracking reads  10 operators x 4 batch position reads per hour (every 15 mins) x 8 hours per day x 5 days per week x 4 weeks per month = 6,400 position reads per month.

    6,400 position reads – 10,000 included batch positions reads = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.05 = $0
    Geofences created & deleted
    100 geofences per day x 5 days per week x 4 weeks per month x (1 create + 1 delete) = 4,000 geofences created and deleted per month

    4,000 geofences created & deleted– 10,000 included geofences created & deleted = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.05 = $0

    Geofences positions evaluated
    8,000 positions written per month x 0.80% positions evaluated (using accuracy-based filtering) = 6,400 positions evaluated against geofences per month

    6,400 positions evaluated – 200,000 included positions evaluated = 0
    (0/1,000) x $0.16 = $0
    Total monthly Amazon Location charges    $0.00 + $0.00 + $97.01 + $0 + $0 + $0 + $0 = $97.01
    After 3 months    
    128,000 map tiles
    (128,000/1,000) x $0.04 = $5.12
    Places addresses geocoded 1,600 addresses geocoded (1,600/1,000) x $0.50 = $0.80
    Routes 204,020 routes calculated (204,020/1,000) x $0.50 = $102.01
    Tracking positions written 8,000 position writes
    (8,000/1,000) x $0.05 = $0.40
    Tracking reads  6,400 position reads (6,400/1,000) x $0.05 = $0.32
    Geofences created & deleted 4,000 geofences created & deleted
    (4,000/1,000) x $0.05 = $0.20
    Geofences positions evaluated 6,400 positions evaluated (6,400/1,000) x $0.16 = $1.024
    Total monthly Amazon Location charges
      $5.12 + $0.80 + $102.01 + $0.40 + $0.32 + $0.20 + $1.024 = $109.874
Check out the FAQs
Check out the FAQs

Learn more about Amazon Location Service on the FAQs page.

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